This is Tiara and I in our matching outfits getting ready to go for our morning walk today. It was freezing out, so we really had to bundle up! I mean freezing for Southern California, 40 something degrees. Under her sweater she is wearing the same striped thermal as me. I love to do this just to drive Tabitha crazy.
After our walk and trip to Target I headed into the garage to organize. FYI, I ran into that teacher that dropped Tiara over a year ago without ever saying good-bye and she tried to act super sweet. Really, lady, I don’t think so. Be rude to my kid and I will not give you a fake hug and spend time making fake conversation with you.
Back to the garage. I hate when I have all the storage tubs down from the attic for the Christmas decorations because my overstuffed garage becomes a living nightmare. I guess I could put the tubs back up into the attic after we decorate, but I am too lazy. It is only 4 weeks of torture, I think that is better than an additional trip into the attic. I really try to avoid going into the attic as little as possible, since you all know I am the one who crawls around up there, NOT Lou.
The reason my garage is extra crowded this year is because Tabitha has 4 hanging racks filled with clothes in the center of the garage. I am not sure if I have told you about this or not, but I am pretty sure I haven’t shared a photo. Don’t you wish you had that many clothes? I sure do. Oh and her “real” closet inside her room is jammed packed along with 2 dressers full of stuff.

This is one of my disgusting bar stools that I tried to fix this weekend. After I took it apart and really looked how gross it was, I threw it out. I ordered 4 new bar stools on Amazon.com. I really wanted these 3 designer ones which were super fabulous and cost $600, but instead I did the right thing and ordered 2 pairs which totaled $180. They were sold pairs so I figured, why not? As soon as Tiara breaks the first one, I will already have a back up ready to go.
Louie and his girls at his birthday party last Thursday night.
The whole clan crammed together.

xoxo tiffani
Looked like Lou had a wonderful birthday party with you and the girls. You sound so much like me about yelling while he is doing something silly like videoing himself (Kevin so would have done something like this for sure!). And I, too, only wish I had as many clothes as Tabitha!! 🙂 xoxo!!
omg.. Tabitha and all that clothes, lucky girl. Love all the pictures 🙂