I know this may sound crazy but almost every time I take a shower I get water in my ear and it never seems to come out. I swear I can barely hear out of my left ear. Yesterday Tabitha was sitting on my left side and we were trying to have a conversation and every time she said something I said, “What, what did you say?” She looked over at me and said, ” Mom, if you say “what” again, I am going to go crazy.”
“Sorry, I can’t hear!” I spend a large portion of the day sitting with my finger in my ear, tilting my head from side to side and manipulating the skin around my jaw bone to try and move the water. I look totally crazy, not that I care, I just want to hear and have the water get out.!
Having water in my ears is even worse than when I have a piece of food stuck in my tonsils. So totally gross and yes it is a special genetic feature that some of us have on one side of the family. If you don’t get it out, your breath stinks.
When I woke up on Sunday I realized I had one on my left tonsil and worked on it all morning without any luck of getting it out. I swished hot water in my mouth, stuck the pointy end of a teasing comb at my tonsil and yet it wouldn’t release. When I try to work it out with my tongue I develop a huge double chin and look really crazy.
On our way to church Trinity looked over at me and said, “Mom, why are you making that weird face?”
me: “Oh, I’m just trying to get that thing out of my tonsil.”
her: “Well, you might not want to do that face in church.”
Deep breath, deep breath. I told myself I was forbidden from working on it until after church. I broke my promise and made one more pass with my tongue and then finally gave up.
Once we got home from church I decided I had to lay down and take a nap or I might die. I was super exhausted because I decided to get up at 1:30am on Easter and clean the house, stuff the plastic eggs and hide the eggs. I had gotten all the baskets ready earlier in the day but had decided my 12, 15 and 21 year old girls didn’t need to hunt for candy filled easter eggs. When I woke up for water at 1:30 am I was feeling kinda guilty because I knew Trinity really wanted an egg hunt so I decided, Why not?
I couldn’t hide the eggs with all of Tiara’s papers and crayons all over the floor, so I had to sweep after I filled the eggs. I then decided to load the dishes Lou had left in the sink and fluff the pillows.
Once I finished everything, I tried going back to sleep but was having a hard time. I browsed Facebook, read an article on addiction, played a hand of solitaire on my phone and finally fell asleep.
I then heard my phone beep at 4am. I didn’t want to look, but knew it must be from my oldest. She had fallen asleep at her friends house and was trying to get a cab home so she wouldn’t miss our early Easter bunny celebration but the cab wasn’t showing up. I had a bad feeling about her taking a cab by herself at that time in the morning so I offered to pick her up. So I picked her up and was back asleep by 5 am only to be woken by Tiara at 6am. Help!
Needless to say I really needed the nap before our Easter celebration and by some miracle Tiara decided to nap with me.
Wow, I just realized I really got off topic with this post. So to recap, if you have any tricks for getting water out of your ears, please let me know.
Also, I just updated a plugin on my site and my favorite fonts are missing so that is why my page looks different right now. As soon as I can figure out where they went, you will see my pretty fonts again.
xoxo tiffani
My sponsor and greatest supporter in life
I wish I had a solution for the water in your ears, but you had me smiling with losing your train of thought here. I do it quite often and must be a mom thing 🙂 xoxo!!
I used to feel like I always had a clogged ear from either water or wax used the ear wax candle a couple of times and haven’t had problems since. You can probably get the candles from Mothers or another health food place.
There is something you can buy over-the-counter for swimmer’s ear when your kids swim and can’t get the water out of their ear. It’s called “Swimmer’s Ear” or something like that. Also, for your tonsiloth, maybe try a water pic or gargling with warm salt water….just a couple of suggestions!
You know I am a fan of ‘Ear Wax Candles’. It works not only for wax, but water too!
I know this post is from a while back now however I’ll leave a comment for anyone that is also searching for a solution regarding
‘Trapped water in their ear/ears’.
I simply place my palm over my ear whilst tilting my head (ear towards floor) and gently press and release my palm against my ear. It works by creating a slight suction. Hope this helps x