Why does someone leave their dish here?I understand if you are either “too busy” or rather too lazy to actually put the dish into the dishwasher but this sends me over top. I walk over to sink and think Wow, everyone put away their dishes and then I go to wash my hands and see this. I mean really. Don’t pretend to clean up. Either put the dishes in the washer or leave them on the counter so the whole world knows you are a slob. But whatever you do, don’t put them on the left side of the sink covering the drain and the garbage disposal. Yet every night when I go to bed the kitchen is clean and every morning when I wake up 99% of the time there is a dish on the left side of the sink from either Tabitha or Lou or both of them. They are both night owls and like to stay up watching TV and snacking together. As you can imagine through the years I have tried to get my point across by screaming, nagging, complaining, and describing case scenarios such as:“What if I am running into the kitchen to clean up Tiara’s vomit and the sink is filled with dishes? Now I am standing over a sick with vomit in a towel, yet I can’t wash it down the sink because a dish is covering the drain and garbage disposal. I have to move the disgusting bowl, with the old food or whatever is in it to the other side of the sink and then start my washing. Tiara throws up on an average 1 to 3 times per week, so my case scenario is an actual real life scenario. Yet, my incessant talking falls on deaf ears.I have given up nagging because it doesn’t seem to work. So when I wake up to find the dishes in the sink while I am trying to make my coffee I first say to myself ” are you f ..ing kidding me?” Swearing first thing in the morning always makes me feel bad, plus I gave it up for Lent. I then try to turn around my frustration and start a loud conversation with myself so everyone can hear. “Oh, this is amazing, I love the dishes on the left side of the sink. Wow, I am so happy.” Eventually Lou or Tabitha will either make an excuse, apologize or attempt to clean them up. I know I sound like a lunatic but Lou and I actually both do this same technique. When something stupid annoys either one of us, we just pretend it is great. We always talk about ” how amazing everything is” and it actually makes us feel better. It is a part of our “fake it, until you make it” philosophy. Lou sometimes even goes as far as prefacing a conversation with ” this is a fantasyland conversation Tiffani, so please don’t make any real comments to ruin it. Please just listen nicely. ” “OK, Love, so glad you warned me because I couldn’t tell by your tone if this was going to be a real conversation or a fake one”. I love to be argumentative and always like to make commentary about everything. Unfortunately no one else besides Trinity enjoys my communication methods, everyone else thinks I’m negative and a squasher of dreams. Trinity loves to argue so she can appreciate my process. Sorry, I am just trying to analyze all the angles of every situation. Well the moral of the story is, please put your dishes in the dishwasher…. love you
this is why I love you, tiff…you speak my language! dishes in the sink drive me crazy too! it really could be so much simpler if they just took the extra step…like lou says…this is a fantasyland conversation 🙂
Tiffani, I agree with you and can not understand why you can put it in the sink that you can’t put it in the dishwasher! I raised four kids and even as adults the boys still put things in the sink in my house and there own. It is a male and kid thing!
You are so right, I think Mom’s get special training that forbids them from leaving dishes in the sink. So nice to hear from you, hope you are well. xox
I just wanted to say………i thought i was the only one out there with this dish problem………it drives me crazy and never seems to get resolved unless i clean them
up. and why the left side of the sink?????? I ask this every time….I’m just glad that there are others out there and the crazy talking to myself out load isn’t just me…..:) Happy to be among the Fantasylanders…lol….have a great day and I am off to clean up the mystery dishes that appeared this morning in the sink !!!! :))))
this is why I love you, tiff…you speak my language! dishes in the sink drive me crazy too! it really could be so much simpler if they just took the extra step…like lou says…this is a fantasyland conversation 🙂
exactly, total fantasyland…xxo
Tiffani, I agree with you and can not understand why you can put it in the sink that you can’t put it in the dishwasher! I raised four kids and even as adults the boys still put things in the sink in my house and there own. It is a male and kid thing!
You are so right, I think Mom’s get special training that forbids them from leaving dishes in the sink. So nice to hear from you, hope you are well. xox
I just wanted to say………i thought i was the only one out there with this dish problem………it drives me crazy and never seems to get resolved unless i clean them
up. and why the left side of the sink?????? I ask this every time….I’m just glad that there are others out there and the crazy talking to myself out load isn’t just me…..:) Happy to be among the Fantasylanders…lol….have a great day and I am off to clean up the mystery dishes that appeared this morning in the sink !!!! :))))
Happy cleaning and enjoy Fantasyland…:)