I forgot to mention the issue with my Nook yesterday. I had a Nook which is my only form of reading anything because Tiara cuts up every book and magazine in her path and I lost it during Christmas break. It was really old and rather outdated but it worked fine. It was Trinity’s and she never used so she said I could have it. I took it to the gym and left it on the Elliptical machine. I was so stressed about leaving my phone on the machine, I forgot the Nook.
Truth be told I haven’t been on an Elliptical machine in a very long time and I was a little woozy and dazed when I got off. I felt like I had been on a boat in rough seas and couldn’t walk straight. My legs felt like Gumby.
As soon as I got home I realized what I had done and called the gym. Can you believe no one turned it in? I was pretty surprised. If it was an Ipad, a new Kindle Fire or any type of updated tablet I could see someone wanting to keep it but an old Nook? Luckily I didn’t have a credit card linked to it so they couldn’t buy anything, but really? So sad.
The next week, I found a platinum American Express card on the sidewalk on Balboa Island last week and almost walked past it. I looked at my friend and said “I better pick it or someone else may, and who knows what they will do with it?” She agreed, so I grabbed it and put it in my bag. When I got home I called American Express to let them know I had found it but the owner had already called and cancelled the card so they didn’t need it back.
I was just sitting in my car waiting to walk in and pick up Trinity from school and the new Nook I bought on sale for $59 isn’t working. I really wanted the new one with the light but decided twice the price wasn’t worth it. I actually felt really guilty buying myself a new one after I had lost the old one, but I need to read. If I borrow books from the library they get torn up and then I have to pay to replace them. I was feeling so guilty I told Lou about my purchase. I never tell him what I buy or don’t buy because I don’t really buy much more than food, wine and stuff for the girls. He just laughed and said “Who cares? It’s fine. Stop worrying about it.”
Oh, I just plugged it in and apparently the battery was low, which is why it wasn’t working. This isn’t good. The old Nook would last for weeks at a time without me ever charging it. This new one doesn’t appear to be as good. Bummer.
Oh well, enough complaining, time to drive Trinity to her basketball game.
xoxo tiffani
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I had the old Nook, too and actually sold it on EBay awhile ago, but if I still had it I would have given it to you. Seriously, sorry you lost your old one and that the new one doesn’t hold as much of a charge as the old. I know what you mean about reading and seriously not sure how I lived without reading books the past year, because now that is all I want to do!! 🙂 xoxo!!
take it back to Barnes and Noble but do it soon. They have only a two week return policy on books so who knows what it will be for the Nook. Did they offer you any extended warranty? Remember how beneficial that has been for your phone. Did you buy it on a card that gives you extra coverage?
Are you using the NB library for checking out books to read?