Be prepared to be disgusted as you see what is in my purse. Just know that I have been putting off cleaning my purse for at least 2 months. I can’t even believe I am admitting this. I was raised to keep your purse clean and change it often to match your outfits. Clearly I have swayed from my upbringing.
I have been carrying the same pink Prada purse, courtesy of my parents for over a year. I love this purse and won’t ever own one as nice unless they buy me another one. Despite the fact that I adore my purse and it is very expensive I treat it like I bought it at a thrift store. I always leave it on the ground in public places and as you now know I don’t ever clean it out. So here goes the truth about the inside.
A few months ago, I realized that a pack of gum opened up, the wrappers came off and in the heat the gum attached itself to many items that live in the bottom of my purse. I know this because when I reached for my hand lotion it was covered in a sticky substance with dirt and crumbs attached to it. Yuck! After this discovery, I was scared to look to far inside my bag. It made my procrastination of cleaning it even worse. I know it is a bottomless pit filled with old food, receipts, crayons, tampons, loose change and tons of crumbs and the thought of sorting through itl is overwhelming. I don’t know how this happened? How do I let it get so out of control?
Start the drum roll…….Here are the contents I dumped out of my purse today.

Do you like how I had my own phone , Trinity’s phone, Trinity’s itouch and Tabitha’s ipod in my purse. “Hey Mom can you hold this?” “Sure.” And it is never to be seen again.

Are you grossed out or what? So what’s in your purse? Is it a thousand times better than mine or is it just as bad?
p.s. I forgot to mention I got in trouble with Tabitha this morning when she saw I posted the picture of her clothing racks in the garage. She is certain we will now be robbed because people saw the picture of all her amazing clothes and now they are going to target our house, just for her clothes. So please refrain from trying to break into my garage and steal her clothes just so I am not in more trouble. Apparently I am too trusting according to her and Lou and I don’t want to hear ” We told you so, Mom!”
xoxo tiffani
That last part made me giggle and truly sounds like a teenage girl and god how I remember being the worst one possible. You know I am getting it in spades with my two in that not so distant future! That said, no words for the gum. I do carry a lot in pocketbook too and I also have been using the same Coach one for like two years, which I always had a new bag at least once every couple of months before having the girls and now I just don’t have time to think about it, I suppose. The nicest handbag I have is a Louis Vuitton Speedy 30, but only use that on special occasions. I hope you got your bag cleaned up and sounds like a really nice pocketbook, too!! 🙂 xoxo!!
See what having kids does to our style? We just don’t care the same. At least you still change your handbag for special occasions, good for you. xoox
LOL ~ Purses are the carry-all/ catch/all. I have to dump mine out at least 1x a month. I always wished I was the girl who changed my purse with every outfit. But honestly who has that much time? I change my purse with our 2 California seasons!
As for the hanging racks in the garage….. I was just so thrilled to see the clothes HANGING UP and not dumped in a big pile on the floor. I can recall you posting pictures a year or so ago with mounds of clothing on her bedroom floor. LOL I would gladly give my teen clothes racks in the garage if I thought it would help her actually hang stuff up!
Enjoy the clean handbag.
ps. I never ever ever~~~ but any gum in my purse for the reason you show here….
So glad you enjoyed the pics of the hanging clothes because the rest of the clothes are still on the floor everywhere else in her room. As for the gum, everyone I know carries gum in their purse and this never happens. I think it is just me, but am glad to hear you don’t carry gum either. xoxo
Haha! Bethany has an iPod with a pink case too! She calls it her pink thing! Her old iPad is the black thing! She calls her new white iPad with the purple case her iPad!!!
I like it! TT calls her ipad, her ipad but everything else is colored too. I guess our girls are so in love with their ipads , they learned the correct names for once. xoxo
I challenge you to a “purse off”. I think mine might have a chance to beat yours in the disgusting category. My purse gets so bad…and get this, my kids are all grown and I can only blame myself.
I have a couple nice purses that I switch occasionally. That is usually a clean the purse time. But a couple months ago I wanted to start using the other one. So instead of cleaning out the old purse and neatly putting everything in the new purse. I carefully just took the things I needed out of the one and nicely put it in the new purse.
Now a couple months later. My old purse is still sitting there with my trash and junk. My new purse has now accumulated tons of crap and now it is a disaster. I am the proud owner of two purses that can challenge your one purse that is probably all nice and clean now.
I read every day but seldom comment. Just have to say that I’m glad you came back to posting. I missed your posts on your “hiatus.”
I have to admit I have done the same thing as you before and switched them without cleaning the first one out. So gross! I have to say my purse feels 10 pounds lighter today, love it. xoxo
My purse is bad. My husband makes smart remarks about all the junk I carry but whenever he wants anything I have it in my purse. I carry everything for everybody plus my own stuff. I cleaned mine out recently and found the receipt for the glasses I bought in September.