Decisions, decisions. When I woke up this morning and put on my eye cream, I realized I was almost out. I checked my back up stash and it was empty, OMG this is a catastrophe. As you realize from reading my blog there are a few things I am really hung up on. I call them the 4 F’s; my family, my friends, my face and my food. So I knew today I would have to embark on an adventure with Tiara to Neiman Marcus to pick up my coveted eye cream. Every time I take Tiara anywhere I develop a calculated plan or I am guaranteed a huge problem. So after lunch, she took another nap and the moment she woke up I said “oh, TT, do you want to go to the store with me?” “sure”, she said. I changed her diaper, cleaned her up, put on her shoes and we were out the door in 10 minutes. I put on her favorite Titanic song for the ride to Fashion Island, figuring I would butter her up before I broke the news she had to exit the car to enter the store. She is never a fan of getting out of the car. Transitions are very problematic. Once she started singing her favorite song, she realized there was a basketball on the floor of the car, I hadn’t brought in from the day before. She picked it up and started “mouthing it”. She repeatedly touches the ball to her mouth in a rhythmic beat. It is a sensory thing she has been doing with certain objects most of her life. She loves her basketballs and used to play for hours everyday but since the brain surgery hasn’t really returned to playing very often. So I was pretty surprised she was excited and holding the ball. We then drove by Mariners park and she started yelling, “park, park, swing, swing, play ball, play ball.” “OK, I will take you to the park, but you first have to walk into the store with me and get my eye cream.” “sure, mom mom “ I always buy all my face products from Neiman Marcus, because I have a credit card there that I only use for products related to my body. I never purchase, clothes, shoes or anything else at Needless Mark-up as my budget only permits shopping for those items at Target, Forever 21, and places like Old Navy. In addition to my revolving credit, Neiman Marcus has accessible parking and the Kiehl’s counter is located very close to the door. All of these criteria are very important if I know I will have Tiara in tow. The other great thing, is they know me there and don’t totally stare when TT and I arrive, they are always super nice. Once I parked, I came around and opened her door but she still had the basket ball in hand and wouldn’t get out of the car. I reminded her we were going to the park right after the store, so she exited with the basketball in hand. Oh no. I tried to convince her to leave it in the car but she then sat back down in the car. It was at this moment I had to decide: Did I need the eye cream enough that I would let her walk into Neiman Marcus with a basketball and know with certainty she would bounce the ball regardless of what I said? The answer: YES. So off we walked into Nieman Marcus while she bounced her ball across the street and into the store. Once we entered, I stopped her and warned her not to bounce it, ” just hold the ball honey.” “K” so she said. Ha Ha. We walked the few steps to the counter and the Kiehl’s lady saw us coming and immediately approached me to help. I quickly told her what I needed and then Tiara started bouncing the ball. ” please don’t bounce the ball, TT.” I repeated that every time she did it, but I knew if I took the ball away a huge tantrum would ensue so I couldn’t go there. Her tantrums begin with her throwing all 125 pounds of herself to the ground and then she kicks you while laying down on the ground, no way was I going to risk at tantrum at this point. The sales lady came back and took my credit card. She reminded me that Wednesday was In circle day, and she started to explain the benefits when Tiara grabbed a huge chunk of my hair and started pulling forcefully. The lady just kept talking and staring and I told her, ‘no I won’t be back Wednesday, please, just let me pay now”. She rushed off this time and when she returned she brought me a gift. A free gift like I have never received from the Kiehl’s counter before. A full size bottle of the Over Night Biological Peel, a big sample of conditioner, she must have figured my head was worthy of a good conditioning treatment at that point and a sample of 2 special line reducing formulas. Clearly I looked in need of help with fine lines and wrinkles. How great was that? So Tiara pulled my hair and I got really fabulous free stuff, so our adventure was totally worth it. No one even seemed to notice the ball bouncing. Well if they did I wouldn’t know because I have trained myself to never look around when I am with TT. I never take my eyes or a hand off of her at any time when we are in public. She is to known elope and grab everything in sight. We quickly exited with my eye cream and assorted other goodies and drove straight to the park. Everyone was happy, except maybe the sales lady at the Kiehl’s counter. Oh I forgot to mention what I was wearing at the time. This super cool, but not incognito hat my nephew designed for me as an Easter present. The picture is of a bread monster, since I am always making bread. So cute, but clearly we didn’t go unnoticed. Happy Tuesday…
you rock!!!
Tiffani, I have been wanting to spend some time reading your blog, especially your journey with Tiara and finally did today…taking a few days off work. You have such heart and humor in your writing. You are remarkable and inspiring. Thank you for sharing about your life.
Thanks Leslie, so nice to hear from you. Happy to hear you are taking a few days off work. 🙂
Two thumbs up for that salesperson! I thought people at Neiman Marcus would have been a lot more uptight about things. Teaches me not to judge, eh? :O)