Not much has changed since yesterday with Tiara. She had some more oxygenation issues this morning and they had to increase the settings on the bipap and decided to put in an ng tube for feeding. She had this same thing last time so it looks like she is as sick as in January. Her X-ray was improved this morning as the top of her left lung had cleared a little which is good. She has only been on the appropriate antibiotic for the bacterial pneumonia for 24 hours so they think she just needs more time until she will show signs of improvement.
As for me, the Tamiflu has kicked in and I slept almost the whole night so I am feeling a zillion times better. On a side note I had a run in with security this morning, which is so pathetic it was funny.
At 5:00 am x-ray came in for a picture of her lungs and after they finished I decided to go to the bathroom. In the ICU you have to exit the ward to use the bathroom so I only go when necessary. Their are 2 bathrooms located right outside the ward next to the Ronald McDonald Family area which is only for families of patients on the 6th floor.
As I was exiting the bathroom I saw the security guard going into the ICU. I quickened my pace so I could get in behind him and not have to call to get the doors reopened. As I walked in with him he looked over at me and said:
“Do you have your id tag.”
Me: “Yes I have my yellow armband right here.”
Him: “Mam, you also need an id tag and I need to see it.”
Me: “ Are you kidding me right now? I just went to the bathroom, it is 5am and my kid is a patient!”
Him: “ It’s for the safety of the patient’s.”
I wasn’t sure if I would rather laugh in his face or start cursing at him he was so ridiculous. So I told him it was in my purse in the room. He literally followed me to Tiara’s room like I was some criminal and when I went to walk in her door he said:
“Oh, are you going in there to get it?”
Me: “uh, yeah,” I said as I looked at him like he was an idiot. I grabbed my purse and brought it outside the room so I wouldn’t disturb Tiara as I rummaged through it looking for the Id tag. He was gone. I looked down the hall and he was already almost to the exit. Seriously?
I was so fired up I think I am going to complain to someone not specifically about him but the fact that the parents are required to wear a name badge and a hospital band. When you live in the hospital for days at a time and are sleep deprived it is kinda difficult to keep on an id tag at all times which is why I thought as parents we wore the wristbands?
On another note, my Mom was able to get the Easter baskets together for me for Tabitha and Trinity and now I just need to worry about Trinity’s party. I mentioned the idea of rescheduling it to her last night if we weren’t home by Wednesday and she started sobbing hysterically. After that I decided I will figure out a way to make it happen even if we don’t get home I can have her and Tabitha shop for a lot of the supplies and I can pull it together on Friday morning since the party doesn’t start until 5:00pm.
So that’s the update for now and thank you for all the wonderful comments, prayers and support. I don’t have time to respond to any of the comments but I read each and every one.
Hope you all have a wonderful Easter.
xoxo tiffani
Well Tiffani, it doesn’t sound like Tiara’s the same. She sounds better with the improved x-ray. And because they’re giving her antibiotics that are specific for her germ, she will be remarkably better in a couple of days. Glad you’re feeling better too because that certainly can’t be helping you.
This just stinks and there can be nothing worse than a sick child. But you’ll get through it and you’ll both be home in time for the party.
Wow. It sounds like you have been through it. And you are right. Why make people who are obviously under lots of stress and worry jump through such hoops when a wrist band would be enough. I’m sorry and hope the party plans can go along smoothly. And praying for Tiara’s lungs to clear.
Sounds like there is a little glimmer of hope. Hang in there, Tiffani. The guard was really just doing his job of keeping patience safe!