It’s Easter Sunday and I just returned to the hospital after surprising my other girls with a early morning visit to watch them open their baskets. My mother in law came to stay with Tiara and I went home for 2 hours. It was so nice to hug my other big babies and eat breakfast with them.
When I returned the team had just finished rounding on Tiara but the doctor took a moment to fill me in on what I had missed. This is basically what he said:
“She is getting worse and we are just buying time until her immune system kicks in and the antibiotics start working. We are maxed out on the bipap settings and if we don’t see some improvement soon we will have to intubate her and put her on a ventilator.”
Once he said she was getting worse I already knew what he was going to say as I had been worrying about it since yesterday. All afternoon and night she kept desatting and respiratory kept having to increase the settings until there was no more room to increase. I knew that if they maxed out the settings the only thing left was a ventilator. I don’t want that to happen !!!!!
So today we wait and pray she starts to improve.
Tiffani, I’m so sorry to hear what you are going through. I pray for Tiara and read your bllog everyday, You and Tiara are in my heart every minute of the day. You two are the strongest girls I have ever met. I know they are only letting family into the hospital currently but please let me know if you need anything at all. Spencer, Tyler and I are here for you. I had to laugh at your security story, they drive me nuts too. The last thing I’m thinking about is my badge when Spencer is in there as well. Stay strong and try to enjoy your Easter as much as you can. We Love you!!!
Sending you love, hugs, and warm sunshine healing wishes. Praying for your family! Much love, Robin
Thinking of you Tiffani!
I am so sorry Tiffani! I am praying for your family and hoping for Tiara’s recovery.
Praying and hoping she gets better soon.
Sending your family our thoughts and prayers,
I simply have no experience on ventilators to understand why you don’t want that. Well, no one wants them or being in hospital or being sick.
But is there something on the “con” side of using a ventilator vs. that bi-pap thing?
Happy (belated) Easter – I’m glad you got some time at home to enjoy it a bit.