Shingles? Yesterday the infectious disease doctor came by for her regular rounds while we were changing Tiara’s diaper. The nurse asked her to look at Tiara’s skin where she had the breakdown and asked her opinion of what she thought it was. The doctor said, “hummmm, it looks yeasty but looks more like shingles than a fungal infection. Let’s watch it and see how it looks tomorrow.” That was it. She leaves, the nurse does some research, I do my own research and I determine that since Tiara has never had the chicken pox and was vaccinated , it isn’t shingles. Well, our nurse comes to the same conclusion but she mentions the situation to the charge nurse.
Big mistake! Now we are suddenly having her moved to a negative ion room, whatever the heck that is and we are on precautions, mask, gloves and yellow gown. Ohhhh, hate the yellow gown, actually pretty sure I am not going to wear it but we will see they are going to force it on me.
I am writing this at 9pm on Sunday night, waiting for dialysis to finish so we can pack up and move down the hall. I just grabbed the attending and explained the shingles the situation and asked his opinion. He did not think it looked like shingles BUT said the horse has already left the gate on this one and he can’t stops what has already started without getting in trouble. Hence, we have to follow protocol, move rooms and wear all the stuff. Ugh!!!!
The good news is that I am pretty sure we are getting the big room across from the nurses station with a view of the mountains. Super fabulous view. Always looking at the positive.
I feel real good about trying to extubate her in the morning, I think she is going to do it this time. They tried on Friday and I warned them she wasn’t ready and after 2 hours of messing with her they finally gave up and listened to me. She has been on the ventilator for 8 days as of today and keeps breaking through her sedation meds so I think it is time to get her off.
Will try to update later and let you know how it went.
xoxo tiffani
Hoping that it isn’t shingles … that is nasty! I’m glad you at least get a room with a view but I really hope that Tiara gets to recover quickly!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
So hoping and praying it isn’t shingles and love how you looked at the positive with the room change. Seriously, you are just my hero Tiffani!! Waiting for the update now.
can’t be shingles if she never had the chicken pox can it? oh well, i can relate. deb had chicken pox and whooping cough cause she couldn’t take the P in the dpt shot and we were in isolation too, hope she is off the vent today and you sound like me, looking for the positive. that’s what keeps us going. hugs to TT:)
When my mom was really sick a few years back, she was moved into an isolation room due to an infection they believed she had (c-diff, I think) and it was one of those negative pressure private rooms with huge, beautiful windows and views of a park. And the care in there was first rate, as well as the cleaning protocols.
So there is definitely a great positive side to this mistake they’ve made. Enjoy the better accommodations before they find out she’s not infectious at all and move you back into “population.” 😉
So hoping she improves this week.
Kate x
Kate at Home
Will it ever end? Love you guys! Love your positive spin! xo