As you can imagine I don’t ask Tiara to do many things for me as I pretty much do everything for her, but once in a while I will ask her help.
Today I got in the shower and was keeping an eye on her through the glass door when I realized that I didn’t have a towel. I was in such a hurry to get in and out quickly that I totally forgot to make sure a towel was hanging over the rack. Trinity takes a shower in our bathroom every night and uses the towels and puts them straight in the hamper so lots of times there is nothing left. Of course I have asked her a hundred times to bring in her own towel each night but no one listens to me. What’s new?
So as I watched Tiara coloring I contemplated my options. Ask Tiara to get me a towel or run soaking wet across the bathroom, through my bedroom and into the hall to get one myself. I decided to give her a chance to help and see what happened.
I started yelling “TT, can you get Mommy a towel? ” She looked up from her coloring and stared at me. I asked her 2 more times and then she got out of bed, went to the linen closet, grabbed and towel and walked into the bathroom. She had a huge smile on her face as she opened the shower door and presented me with a hand towel. ” Good job TT, thank you so much!” Her response, “fourteen, fourteen!” That means “Hey I am fourteen years old, I know how to do this! ” She loves praise so much that she went back for a second hand towel to present me with. I thanked her but told her it was enough. Knowing her patterns she would bring every towel in the cabinet to get more praise, unless I asked her to stop. Shockingly she listened for once, think she was tired, she didn’t empty the entire linen closet.
So for the first time in my life, I dried off with a hand towel and I have to say it wasn’t that bad. There was none of that standing in the shower bundled in your warm cozy towel dreading the moment you have to rip off the towel and dry off. Do you do that too? It’s like when you stand under the hot water on a cold winter day and then have to force yourself to turn the water off. The moment the water goes off you just wish you could turn it back on and stand under the warm water all day. Ohh back to the present, I started dreaming of a hot shower.
I dried myself better than usual and even got my hair wrapped in that tiny thing. Amazing how I can find amusement in drying off with a hand towel! Seriously I need more excitement in my life.
Speaking of dreams I am have some serious anxiety issues and evidenced by my dreams the past few nights. First of all I hardly ever remember my dreams, except lately I have been dreaming a lot and remembering most of them, which I am not sure is a good thing.
Monday morning I woke up and remembered I had a dream that I had moved in with my friend and her husband and their 2 kids. I had no house, Lou was off working somewhere, Tabitha and Tiara weren’t around and I was a total loser. I hadn’t finished law school, didn’t have a job and couldn’t seem to take care of Trinity so she had to alternate between staying with my sister and my parents. WOW!
This morning I woke up remembering that I was obese in my dream last night. I was talking with Lou and turned around to look at my butt in the mirror and it looked like I had gained well over 100 pounds. I was wearing polyester elastic navy pants with a hideous plain red t-shirt and I was humongous. I kept asking Lou ” what happened to me? Why do I look like this?” His response, “You know I like a little booty on a girl, Tiffani!” “Lou my butt is the size of an elephant’s ?” He just shook his head and I woke up feeling panicked. Thank goodness he wasn’t working the early shift, so I went for a walk without Tiara. She still isn’t ready to resume our walking routine, which apparently is freaking me out more than I realized.
OMG, I hope I don’t have anymore wonderfully real dreams tonight!
Happy Wednesday!
xoxo tiffani
Oh I know exactly what you mean about toweling off and not wanting to take that big towel off, because it is so warm and cozy. And too cute and so sweet with Tiara getting you those hand towels. And I hate when I dream too, because I always dream the worst things. Hope you had a good night’s sleep and here is to a very, Happy Wednesday!!
Glad that you had success with Tiara getting the towel. I can never find a wash cloth when I need it. And hope your dreams improve. I’ve been sleeping like a rock lately. I can hardly get up. Sweet dreams tonight.
I’ve had the exact experience of drying off with a hand towel when several times I’d forget to pack a towel in my gym bag and my company’s gym would give me a hand towel with our logo. Hey, when it’s all you got, right? And it worked fine. You really, really maximize the towel’s use! 🙂
Praise all around for TT and I have totally done that before… had to use a hand towel to dry off!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
That’s great! Tiara is a helpful girl! I dread getting out of the shower too! You have very vivid dreams!
It never ceases to amaze me how patient and loving you are with Tiara. She won the lottery by getting you as her Mom! Hope you are all doing well!