I was going to tell you all the boring details of my weekend but I decided I should just skip to the “good stuff”.
The “good stuff” started on Sunday morning when Lou decided we should take Tiara to church. Normally Lou leaves early for work on Sunday and Trinity, Nana and I go to church while my Dad babysits Tiara. Well, Trinity was in the mountains with another family and Lou was scheduled to start work late so we decided we would give it a try. We asked Tiara if she wanted to go pray and she said “YES”. So we all got ready and loaded ourselves into the car. Lou said we needed the wheelchair and I didn’t think so but I decided to listen to him for once, THANK GOODNESS.
There wasn’t any handicap parking so Lou let us off at the back of the church and I walked Tiara in. She was really wobbly and I was thinking I should have put her in the wheelchair just to walk in but it was too late, so we forged ahead. As soon as we got in the church I realized she couldn’t make into a regular pew so I decided to sit on the bench in the back of the church. As soon as we sat down, she put her head on my lap and closed her eyes. Lou walked in and sat on the other side of her and I started worrying because she seemed so sleepy and I didn’t have an oxygen tank with me. She pulls her oxygen off during the night and I repeatedly put it back on but I know there are periods she sleeps without it and the doctor has told me it won’t kill her but it is best to keep it on so decided she would be OK during mass without it. (long winded sentence)
The procession started walking in and I urged Lou to stand up. I couldn’t stand with Tiara’s head on my lap but at least he could follow the rules on our behalf. Suddenly I felt her stomach rumble. Oh crap! Then she coughed. I knew in that moment she was going to start vomiting right then and there. I looked at Lou in a state of panic and said “SHE IS GOING TO THROW UP!” I grabbed her bag stuffed with crayons, a notebook, the ipad and a set of headphones and shoved it in front of her mouth just as the first bits of vomit flew out. Lou pulled her to try and walk her out of the church while I held the bag but she was so unsteady it was almost impossible. She stepped on my sandal which instantly broke and I almost fell to the ground but somehow I keep the bag in front of her and managed to stay on my feet. We managed to get her outside the front door of the church which was only about 12 steps from the pew but it wasn’t easy. Lou rested her against the wall and I told him to quickly go grab some paper towels while I continued to deal with the vomiting.
Of course the older people who hang out in the back of the church wanted to help and were offering assistance but there was no possible way for them to help, so they just stood staring in AWE. I guess they could tell it was more than just a kid vomiting because one woman offered to call the ambulance.
At this point Tiara had finished throwing up and was postictal (very tired from the seizure). She was laying on the ground to the entrance of the church with part of her diaper and stomach exposed while I hovered over her barefoot.
Once Lou came back with the paper towels I cleaned her up while he ran for the wheelchair. Once we got her loaded in the wheelchair, I picked up my shoes which had been flung in the corner, Tiara’s shoes which had fallen off on the way outside, my purse which was under the pew still and the vomit bag with all her stuff inside and for the first time in my life I walked out of church barefoot.
As I left I told all the worried parishioners she was OK and “it was just a seizure”. One man looked at me and said “Oh, that was scary” and shook his head side to side.
As Lou pushed her in the chair to the car we looked at each other and burst into laughter. “At least we tried to go to church,” Lou said while shrugging his shoulders.
I shook my head and got into the back seat with Tiara in case she got sick again. Sadly, I know this routine too well because she vomited again on the way home and as we wheeled her into the house. As we drove home Lou kept trying to make jokes to cheer me up even though I could tell he was upset. He finally he looked back at us and said, “you look worried Tiffani?” I just nodded my head up and down without ever taking my eyes off Tiara.
And that my friends was 30 minutes of my never ending weekend.
xoxo tiffani
Aww, Tiffani I am so sorry that Tiara had another vomiting seizure and seriously hoping that she doesn’t have another one soon or at least in the next week or so. I truly feel for you on this and I have to admit I agree with Lou, at least you tried to go to church. But seriously keeping Tiara and (you too) in my thoughts and prayers this week!! xoxo!
Thanks Janine! Always need extra prayers and good thoughts!
Oh my goodness, Tiffani. You and Lou are amazing. Thanks for sharing this story. Prayers and love to the Goff family!
Thanks Candi! Still hoping one day we will be able to take you up on your offer.
Omg, Tiffani, don’t know how you do it! Prayers that this is temporary. xoxo