We are still here but the good news is that she has been well enough to remain on the floor and hasn’t been transferred to the ICU .
We found out yesterday that she has a urinary tract infection which explains the pee issue, which is really great news that it wasn’t a kidney issue. I just reviewed the CT scan of her lungs with the pulmonologist and it appears the bases of her lungs still have lots of mucous left over from the last visit. He believes that this will continue to be an ongoing issue. We also discussed the fact that she may be continually aspirating because of the way she swallows causing her to constantly have a pneumonia.
She is going to have a swallow study on Monday and hopefully we will go home after that if she continues to improve. He is also ordering us a suction machine and a pulse ox that beeps so I can keep better tabs on her oxygen during sleep.
Have a great weekend and will let you know if anything changes.
xoxo tiffani
I remember a video you posted where she was literally shoveling handfuls of popcorn into her mouth and swallowing it with nothing more than a swig of soda and 2 bites. I was pretty impressed because I would have been in a choking fit. So, anyway, I’m not surprised she would have some pneumonia from the constant aspirations.
However, what do they plan to do if they learn that she is aspirating? Is Tiara receptive to improving the way she eats?
A few great things. You’re NOT in the ICU and her kidneys are fine – she merely has a UTI that’ll be resolved very quickly, I’m sure. And you’ll both be back home sooner than later. Al important things!
Since taking away oral food and drinks is out of the question, depending on the severity of the potential problem there are a few options such as feeding her only thicker substances, etc. we should know more Monday after the test. xoxo
Oh I am so happy that it isn’t a kidney issue and just a UTI. I also hope that you get some answers on Monday and get to go again soon. Tiara is in my constant prayers and sending good thoughts your way!!
Hang in there, super mom! You are amazing! Many prayers for you and sweet Tiara! Love you!
Hugs Tiffani ~ hoping that Tiara and you get to go home on Monday!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Glad Tiara is improving. Hope the swallow test goes well thinking of you.
I’m so happy that it wasn’t her kidneys. But I am sorry you’re back in the hospital. Hoping and praying that it’s a short stay and the last stay! You are a great mom and I know you’re doing everything humanly possible and then some to make the best decisions for Tiara. I know you’ve heard it before but I’ll say it again, “hang in there for this too shall pass!”