If you are anything like me, you wake up before your alarms goes off every morning. I always set my alarm, just in case, but 98% of the time I am awake before it beeps, but not this morning. I heard it, jumped out of bed and realized everyone else was still asleep too. Oh no, I just knew there was going to be a mad dash rush to get Lou and Trinity out of the house in 40 minutes. Trinity is always awake first and yet she can never seem to get out of the house with her shoes on. As we pull into the school lot is just finishing tying her shoes.
When I went to wake her for school, I saw her room and nearly had a stroke on sight. Lou tucked her in last night so I never checked to see if she had cleaned her room like she was supposed to before bed.
It was beyond a disaster. She actually had chalk smooched into the floor and the crafting mess was beyond anything I could even imagine. I went crazy, I was so mad. Everything I yelled about she had a counter argument for, which drives me insane. After a few minutes I declared she was grounded from the TV, the ipad and CRAFTING! She stomped off and I swear I could see smoke billowing out of her ears. I was going to show you a picture, but Trinity forbid me from posting it.
Of course the morning continued in that manner. She couldn’t find a clean uniform so I had to dig through the laundry in the garage to get one. Tiara was screaming for hot dogs and humus and Lou needed his breakfast and lunch made. He was running late himself and he was the only manager on duty today so if I didn’t make sure he was fed, he may starve to death at work. Tiara peed all over the bar stool and when I was cleaning her and the bar stool up, I somehow managed to drench my pajama pant leg with urine That felt nice..
When Lou and Trinity finally left at 7:45 I was a basket case and decided right then and there I needed to attend my Pilates class. My mother in law called to say her morning plans had changed and she could babysit Tiara. Wooooho. I started cleaning up the disastrous house but Tiara kept grabbing my neck and yelling for her grandma.
I think I must ask her to let go of my neck 100 times each day. I HATE when she grabs my neck and yet that is her favorite thing to grab on my body. What is it about me and my neck?
The weird thing is I have always hated when people touch my neck. As a child my Dad always put his hand on the back of my neck when we would walk anywhere together. It was a loving gesture but it used to drive me crazy. I will never forget the day I finally told him. I think I was about 10 years old and we were walking to the corner store to pick up some mile for my Mom and he had his hand on the back of my neck. We were walking past the 3rd house on the left side of our street when I blurted out ” I hate when you hold my neck!” He stopped and looked at me in shock.
Dad: “But I have been doing that since you could walk.”
me: ” I know and I have always hated it. I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but I can’t take it anymore.”
Dad: “Ok, sorry.”
And so we walked to the store. Another memory was when I got a kink in my neck as a child and couldn’t get out of bed for days. I was in so much pain , I couldn’t turn my head from side to side without crying. My parents actually had their physician friend make a house call because I acted like I was dying. Don’t you think that is a little weird that I have always hated my neck touched and Tiara is obsesses with grabbing it?
Anyways back to my day. I went to Pilates and my whole day turned around from that point on. I went on to have a good day even though it started out so bad. Never estimate the power of a good workout.
xoxo tiffani
Yay for a good workout and by the way I am with you that I usually always wake before the alarm goes off, too!!
Hearing about your neck locking up as a child made me neck hurt. I keep so much of my tension in my neck. I don’t know how many times a day I wish I could stretch it or crack it even. That would not be good for me if someone was always grabbing at my neck. And your last point is very ironic. Glad your day got better.