I recently wrote a guest post for Wego Health entitled “Caregivers, Take Time For Yourself (Really, How I am I supposed to do that?)” I thought you might enjoy reading it since my post is going to be rather short today. I linked the article title, so just click on it and it will take you straight there.
Why is my post short today? Because I am busier than normal. Why am I busier than usual? Because it is Lou’s birthday on Friday and he always has to have at least a dinner for his birthday. My sweet husband would really enjoy having a big party every year for his birthday but this year I agreed to a maximum of 14 people, just our family. I mean I can’t tell you how many arguments we had in the past about the size of his birthday celebrations. He always wants to invite everyone he knows because he “feels bad not including certain people.” Since we never socialize anymore this problem has kinda disappeared but he still wants a big family dinner. And of course since he is the most popular person in our family everyone is always available. I shouldn’t complain that everyone loves my husband, he really is the nicest guy, which is why I just got home from the Asian market in Fountain Valley where I buy his favorite short ribs.
I then went to Costco for the salad greens, salmon and more wine. Now all I have to do tomorrow is cook all the food, bake the cake and wait for the couch repair guy to show up. Yes, they are actually coming to finally fix the couch tomorrow. Lou’s Mom offered to buy a cake for me but Lou said “he can’t wait to see what I bake him.” Ok, love, I will bake the cake, not buy it.
So I am off to drive Trinity to basketball and start folding laundry.
Have a great Thursday!
xoxo tiffani
Happy birthday to Lou and I am kind of happy I am done with birthdays for this year. We don’t have another in our immediate family until Kevin’s in May!!
Happy birthday to Lou! Hope you have wonderful celebration!