Since I have started blogging, I have developed a few online blogging friends. At least a year ago I started following Stacie, from Makeup Obsessed Mom Stacie and I became friends through commenting back and forth between our blogs and through tweets. Stacie lives in Texas and has 3 beautiful children and a hubby. Sounds familiar?
She told me in she would be coming to Newport during December for a short stay prior to her family leaving for a cruise out of Long Beach. She was staying at the Newport Coast Villas, perfect! I emailed her my phone number and told her she had to call me so we could meet in person. How fun!
Sweet, reliable lady that she is, she texted me prior to boarding the plane. Once she arrived we decided that we would meet for a walk the next day as both of us needed some serious exercise after Christmas. I wanted to show her Balboa Island because she had never been there and it is in my opinion, one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Luck was on my side because Trinity had a play date, Erin was scheduled to watch Tiara and Lou was at work. They each asked me separately what I was going to do that day and I told them all the same thing, “going for a walk with my friend from Texas.” No, I didn’t mention that I had never really met her and yes I had met her on the internet because I knew they would act like freaks. I was surprised that only Tabitha looked at me funny when I mentioned a friend from Texas.
Tab: “You have a friend in Texas?”
me: “Yes, my blogger friend, Stacie.”
Tab: “Ohhh, so you don’t actually know this lady and you met her online, Mom?”
me: “That’s right, but it is fine, don’t judge.”
Tab: “Whatever, Mom. Be careful.”
me: “Will do, love.”
So off I went and there she was waiting for me on the corner of her hotel when I pulled up. She looked identical to her blog pictures except she was even thinner and prettier in person than in her photos. We talked like we had been friends forever, I showed her Balboa Island and then we went to Nectar for a smoothie. She loved Balboa Island and was hoping to get a chance to show the rest of her family before they left for their cruise.
Her family was a little more concerned than mine about our rendezvous but they are used to her doing this. She once met a blogger friend when they were on vacation in England. Love her sense of adventure! When everyone got home that night I told them all about my few hours with my friend Stacie from Texas and then mentioned she was my blogger friend. Lou and Trinity had both assumed she was a friend from college and were shocked to learn the truth. They both just shook their heads at me.
Hope everyone had a great first day back to school. I feel like I still haven’t caught up from the holidays. I am about to write my Thank you notes right now because it is really stressing me out that I haven’t done them yet. Once they are done and I finish opening a huge pile of mail, call the trash company for a large item pick up, go to Staples and get a new ink cartridge, pick up the dry cleaning, drop of a load of trash at my Mom’s because our cans are over flowing, finish the laundry, make dinner, unload the dish washer, and clean the dinner dishes I will feel a little better. Clearly I need to get moving!
xoxo tiffani
my sponsor and biggest supporter
Love that you two got to meet up and I so far have met one other blogger, Kera from Nugget on a Budget this past summer. So much fun though and now hope you get to catch up today a bit!! 🙂 xoxo!!
What a cool story! 🙂
That’s so nice! Glad you were able to get out and enjoy meeting your friend! We were able to meet up with another blogging family last summer! It was an amazing experience!
I too have had chances to meet up with folks I’ve connected with on the internet (similarly through sites that tend to be medical issue related). I can’t imagine a killer would go to that much trouble, discussing and chatting about those types of issues. I am still friends with a group of gals I was on a medical issue loop with 15 years ago. They’re some of the nicest folks I know!