Today I received an email from a reader with a referral to a medical doctor who practices Western and Eastern together. She said he accepted insurance, which I was really surprised to hear, so I called him immediately. Of course, the sweet receptionist informed me they stopped accepting Aetna last year, so I thanked her and hung up. Hummmm, bummer…..
I then spent about 10 minutes daydreaming how my life would be different if I didn’t have to worry about money on any level. These were my dreams.
1. I would have made an appointment for the doctor right then and there and ignored the fact they didn’t accept insurance. I would go to any doctor I wanted and just pay out of pocket if need be.
2. I would take all my children to holistic, Eastern medicine and acupuncture practitioners to try and help them with their allergies and asthma instead of taking a slew of allergy pills everyday.
3. I would buy all my groceries at Whole Foods, Mother’s, Trader Joe’s, Bristol Farms and Irvine Ranch Market and never look at a price.
4. I would buy every supplement or vitamin I every dreamed might be helpful.
5. I would hire a house keeper who was an expert at cleaning with non-toxic bio-gradable products, while actually making the house sparkly clean.
6. I would let Lou buy all those ridiculously priced Ralph Lauren Polo shirts even though they are a rip off.
7. I would get a few new pieces of furniture.
8. I would hire someone to repaint my kitchen cabinets.
9. I would re landscape the entire outside of our house with the help of Molly Wood Designs, including a water a feature designed and built by my friend Dave of Aqualife ponds.
10. I would let Trinity go away to any summer camp she wanted regardless of price and allow her take gymnastics everyday if she wanted to. (Her newest passion)
11. I would find a way to take a trip to Italy with Tabitha and Trinity.
12. I would buy 2 poodles to keep each other company and take them to the groomers every single week!
13. I would get my nails and toes done every week with Tabitha and Trinity.
13. I would find a way to spend more time with my sweet husband, hopefully he wouldn’t have to work so hard.
14. For birthdays and holidays I would buy really extravagant gifts for all the people I love in my life.
Thinking I could spend all day coming up with great ideas, but I am running out of time and don’t want to spend my whole day dreaming,
I would love to know how your life would be different, if money wasn’t a worry. Leave a comment if you want to share.
xoxo tiffani
available on kindle
That is so funny Tiff…..Steve and I were just talking about that last night. I know it sounds weird, but I would ALMOST be afraid to have endless amounts of money. Steve of course had many brilliant ideas just like you 🙂 Happy Dreaming!
Knowing you the way I do, I could see how too much money might make you nervous.
xoxo tiff
I wonder if we would be happier? I do agree, housekeeper and college and husband could stop having to drive to Atlanta every day. I tried to go all organic about 18 months ago. After a few months my husband asked why the credit card balances had been higher. No more hormone free chicken for us. But it is fun to think about. Lord knows my feet need a regular pedicure.
It is fun to think about, but we probably wouldn’t be happier.
I agree that it would be fun to have all of those things, but we might not me happier… Maybe we’ll get to know someday (soon)! Have a wonderful weekend! Stacie xo