Don’t say anything at all. I’m sure you have heard this phrase over and over again and it is the reason I have been a little lax in my posting schedule. I don’t have much nice to say about my life right but because I don’t want to totally leave you in the dark on my super exciting life, here is what has been going on in a nutshell, for the past 4 days.
The wind has not only wreaked havoc on my constant allergy problems, but my rose bushes, which were at their peak, look like someone took a baseball bat to them.
Clearly this isn’t an actual problem or horrifying but it adds to my extensive list of unpleasantries. Plus I spend a large portion of my day looking at my roses through the windows, hoping the beauty will give me strength to continue doing what I am doing.
I found out I wasn’t crazy and yes, Trinity has a learning disability in more than one area of learning. I knew this in my heart but it was really depressing to see it written out in black and white. Her IEP is this week and I will figure out where we go from here to get her the help she needs. You know I have spent countless hours on the computer trying to learn what I can to help her, but of course her learning disability has a million variables.
Most of the information tells you each person is individual and you can’t guarantee any specific approach will help. It is more of a try and see approach. Of course, there is never any clear cut answer when it comes to any learning disability, which is why the process is so frustrating for the child trying to learn and the parents trying to help.
The good news for Trinity is that she had a really great spring break. She had a day at Knott’s Berry Farm with 2 friends, she went deep sea fishing with her Dad in San Diego, and she went to Northern California with her grandma to visit her cousins, so she is a happy camper.
Tiara has been pretty much a nightmare. I have endured hair pulling, scratches, taking me down to the ground, refusing to get out of the car, flowers thrown at my head(right from the vase on our dining room table), broken glass and daily destruction of my closet. Oh I almost forgot, digging with her new sand toys in the dirt and trying to climb the tree in the planter out back.
I was hiding from her on Saturday night, trying to read and catch my breath, but she didn’t like that. She came running into the room, jumped on me and then kicked my glass of wine off the table. It wasn’t really an accident even though she claimed it was.

Sunday I woke up and thought. “Ok, how am I going to survive today?” You see we just changed Tiara’s caretaker schedule and so she no longer comes on Saturday mornings. And because my mother in law was with Trinity in Northern California, she hasn’t been over to visit since Wednesday. And because my Dad had shoulder surgery and isn’t stable enough to watch Tiara while we go to church I haven’t had one break since Friday morning. Just Tiara and I 24/7 which gets super overwhelming for both of us
After her morning meds on Sunday I decided we had to take a walk so I could get some endorphins pumping through my body. All I wanted to do was get back in bed and hide from the world but since that wasn’t an option I drove us down to the beach and started pushing the wheelchair. I swear my legs felt like lead and the moment I started pushing all 210 pounds of her along the boardwalk I wanted to go home.
And then after one street I came upon this. I tried to convince myself it was a sign to turn around and get back in the car, but by some miracle I forced myself to turn back and keep walking the other direction on the boardwalk, since it was impossible for me to push her chair through sand this deep.

I actual made it the entire 3.5 miles but sadly I didn’t feel much better.
Did I mention I can no longer hang family pictures on the wall? Oh, that is because Tiara takes them off the wall and places them in different spots all over the house. She also colors on them. Exhibit A.
Did you also know, that coloring on paper is super boring and the walls are a much better canvas? Well, according to Tiara, anything but paper is a good coloring surface.
So I guess you get my drift. My life has been less than amazing lately and you only know the half of it. Hope you had a better weekend than me and I hope I am much more positive tomorrow!
xoxo tiffani
We had such a bad wind storm last week that we lost power for over 18 hours from two poles and trees being blown down and knocking out a transformer. So the wind storm, I can sadly relate to. And the rest I just wish I could reach through the computer and hug you. Thinking of you this morning, Tffani!! xoxo!!
Hang in there Tiffani, hopefully better days are on their way!!
Must be the time for ugly behaviors to take over.
My son decided to ruin away top a friend’s. When we went to the bus stop to tell him they were not going to be home and top cone home he refused. Than called the police to come get him because he thought jail would be better
My daughter destroyed my closet daily for weeks. I bought a latch that’s too high for her to reach and solved the problem. Good luck.
Hi Tiff,
My thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetie. I wanted to tell you that my youngest has a specific learning disability and we just got his latest report back and EVERYTHING SEEMS SO MUCH WORSE WHEN IT’S WRITTEN IN BLACK AND WHITE. Try to keep that in mind. I may contact you via email, I have been working with all sorts of learning disabilities for 22 years. Maybe I can support you in some way?
Thinking of you,
Marcy xo