I actually listened to all your comments and messages and did something for myself on Monday, Memorial Day. The first thing I did was take Tiara for a walk on Balboa Island. Since I haven’t even been walking much, it felt great to sweat and believe me I sweat pushing her in the wheelchair. I kept thinking about seeing that movie “Blended” because I love silly movies that make you laugh. Should I go?
I came home from the walk and Trinity arranged a play date for herself while I was gone, which made me super happy because I knew she was going to have a great day. She was so excited but wasn’t getting picked up until 11:00/11:30. I looked up the time of the movie and it started at 11:00. Hmmmm. Tiara’s caretaker was coming from 10-2 because of the holiday, so I knew I could get to the movie and be back in time.
me: “Trin, I am thinking of going to the movies right now. What do you think?”
trin: “Go, Mom, you should go! Come on, go.!”
Clearly you aren’t the only ones who think I need a break.
me: ” But I have to leave now and you aren’t getting picked up for a while. Do you mind?”
trin: “No, I’m fine. That movie looks really funny, you should go.”
I stood there trying to decide. Should I actually just leave and go to the movies at 11am on a Monday? I told myself to do it but I kept hesitating. Finally I just changed my clothes, grabbed a protein bar, kissed Trin good-bye, looked to see if Tabitha was awake and wanted to join me, nope she was still sleeping and I finally left. I did it, I did it!
I pulled right into a front spot, paid for my ticket, got myself a big chemical filled diet coke, a bag of popcorn and headed into the darkened theater. As I found my perfect seat, right side of the theater, aisle end seat the previews finished and the movie started. Perfect timing.
I then proceeded to laugh out loud over and over again. I am probably really annoying to sit next to in a funny movie because I laugh at everything, really loud.
It was a really cute movie.
When it was over, I felt much lighter, happier and overall in better spirits. I called Lou on my way home and he said, “Wow, you sound so much better, thank God you went to the movies.”
So there you have it peeps, I did something for myself. Not going to pretend the rest of my day was great after Tiara’s caretaker left, but I did have 2 hours of laughter and peace.
xoxo tiffani
My sponsor and biggest supporter in life
Aww, so glad you got to go to the movies and I wanted to see Blended here, too. So, may have to try to when I can now too after your recommendation 🙂 xoxo!!
So glad you did that for yourself-next time maybe a 24 hr break would be the next step, I’m doing it this weekend with other special needs mom-Niagara Falls here we come! remember to give yourself happiness too!!!
I love hitting the movies during the week. Such an indulgence. Even better when I don’t have to share my Diet Coke & popcorn with anyone else. LOL
Glad you got some TiffTime!
See you at the movies.
awesome. recharging our batteries are essential in this crazy thing called life. xxx
Good for you Tiffani! I hope you’ll have many more opportunities for some much deserved “me time”!
Yay!!! Happy to hear you did that for yourself. 🙂