BaileyToday I had a huge scare and it made me realize how important our dog, Bailey, is to me. Tiara and I were walking into the house from the car and as I came to the door I didn’t hear Bailey bark or see him through the glass of the front door. That is weird. I was helping Tiara into the house, because she is really drugged in the morning after all her seizure meds so she can’t walk on her own or she will fall. I was waiting for Bailey to come running out from another room because he always greets me. He didn’t come. Where was he? I completely panicked. I sat Tiara on her butt and said “don’t move.” I started opening all the doors to all the rooms and screaming frantically ” Bailey, Bailey” I ran out into the backyard and then into the front yard and screamed his name. I mean we have a small house and he is 65 pounds there is no place for him to hide and he has never even attempted to run away. He won’t even walk out the front gate if I leave it open. He follows me every where I go. To the bathroom, to the garage, he watches me cook dinner, he watches me fold laundry and he watches me sleep. There is no way he ran away! Either someone stole him, he is off sick somewhere or he decided to go looking for me.I started shaking so bad I could barely dial Tabitha’s phone number. Of course she didn’t pick up. Typical teenager. I kept calling and finally dialed the work line until she answered. “Do you have Bailey?” “NO! Mom, what do you mean? He was there when I left for work. Is his leash there?” I then stopped and looked on the hall tree where we keep his leash and it was gone. Deep breath. Ok, someone took him for a walk, but who? Lou left for work at 7:30 am and it was 10:00 am. “Mom, go outside and see if Dad’s car is there.” Duh, there it was parked right in front of our house. Deep breath again. “Ok, Tab, you are right Dad must have come home and taken him for a walk. Love you”I helped Tiara up from the ground, guided her to the bed and then sat down next to her and cried for a second. I couldn’t believe how shaken I was. I mean I knew I loved our dog, but I had no idea how desperate I would feel if he was gone. Two minutes later I hear Bailey come bolting into house looking for me. He finds me in my bedroom with Tiara and Lou is following behind in his work clothes. Baffling. ” What are you doing, I thought you went to work hours ago?” “I did, but I took the car to the mechanic and came back to drop it off and Bailey seemed so upset because he hadn’t gotten his walk so I took him on the bike.” “You took Bailey for a bike ride in your slacks and dress shirt?” “Yes, somebody has to care about him!” he said.Wow, ok then. I then told Lou about my freak attack, he laughed and he left for work in the same slacks and shirt. Seriously, he wasn’t even sweating. I started laughing picturing him on his crusier all dressed up in slacks, dress shirt and his huge shiny size 15 dress shoes with our 65 pound standard poodle pulling him along. He probably got even more stares than when he usually walks Bailey in his pink polo shirt. Men always drive by and shake their heads side to side and women smile and laugh. My hubby is a big muscly guy, but the poodle and the pink polo shirt always throws people for a loop, they don’t know what to think.Looks like I need to start appreciating my dog more and not get so frustrated with him when he constantly follows me around.Love you Bailey….
Hi Tiff~ I just read your blog and had to write. I saw your husband riding his bike in his work clothes with the dog 🙂 down Tustin. I have never met Lou but I recognized him from your family pics. So I had to tell you, I did notice the big poodle and the dress clothes! What a sweet heart he is! I love that your dog’s name is Bailey too…we have a cat named Bailey! xoxo
That is so funny, I can’t believe I have a witness. I think Bailey is the most popular name for a pet, but we love it too. xoxo
Tina Palmersays
Hi Tiffani,
I know that we don’t know each other very well but we sure do have a LOT in common. When you talk about your experiences with trying to figure out what on earth is happening to your child, your time at the UCLA Climic, etc. I am right there with you. Your journey has been so long and hard! I am truly in awe of your and Lou’s strength and patience.
Yes, we do have a lot in common, unfortunately…. Experiencing UCLA clinic is not something you want to have in common with another family. I am always available if you need to talk to someone who has been there. xxo
Bailey is your guardian angel!
I never thought of that but you may be right….
Hi Tiff~ I just read your blog and had to write. I saw your husband riding his bike in his work clothes with the dog 🙂 down Tustin. I have never met Lou but I recognized him from your family pics. So I had to tell you, I did notice the big poodle and the dress clothes! What a sweet heart he is! I love that your dog’s name is Bailey too…we have a cat named Bailey! xoxo
That is so funny, I can’t believe I have a witness. I think Bailey is the most popular name for a pet, but we love it too. xoxo
Hi Tiffani,
I know that we don’t know each other very well but we sure do have a LOT in common. When you talk about your experiences with trying to figure out what on earth is happening to your child, your time at the UCLA Climic, etc. I am right there with you. Your journey has been so long and hard! I am truly in awe of your and Lou’s strength and patience.
Yes, we do have a lot in common, unfortunately…. Experiencing UCLA clinic is not something you want to have in common with another family. I am always available if you need to talk to someone who has been there. xxo