I know I have mentioned it before and lots of you have suggested I do it but until today I hadn’t done anything about it. What is it? Yes, you guessed it, I finally started writing my book. It may take me forever to complete and may be horrible but I finally started and that is what’s most important. Sometimes starting is harder than finishing. I just made that up, but I think it sounds good?
Working on the book felt different than writing my blog. The process felt more creative. Probably because I just ramble on about anything when I blog but writing a book seems like serious business. I have to catch the readers attention within the first sentence and make them want to read more.
I spent over 2 hours writing and then had to stop to finish up some of my real jobs like cleaning, cooking and doing errands. I didn’t post yesterday because it appears March is the month of appointments and I was busy with Tiara at the doctors. She has an MRI with sedation scheduled in 2 weeks and she needed to have a physical before they will sedate her. She also has a dentist appointment a pulmonary appointment and her MRI scheduled for this month. UGH.
She did great during the appointment even when they gave her 2 vaccines she was behind on but during the middle of the night she sounded congested. I totally freaked out and kept feeling her back and chest all night in fear she was getting sick. I woke up with a stiff neck and more back pain than usual because I slept with my arm around her so I could feel her breathe all night. Oh, the life of a mother. She seems fine now, but I am totally keeping my fingers crossed.
On another note, I have been taking the Scaler Silver a week now. I haven’t noticed any improvement on my granuloma annulare rash, but I have noticed a slight improvement with my warts. The 3 smaller ones look slightly flatter than before, which is hopeful. I can’t give you an update on the liquid bio cell collagen yet because I only started it last Friday but I can tell you it tastes super great.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and can you believe it is already Ash Wednesday? Where has the winter gone?
xoxo tiffani
So glad for a good appointment for Tiara and so happy that you started your book, too. And you are right about the life of a mother, it never ends and just when you think it something else pops up that you need to do. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday and also can’t believe it is Ash Wednesday now! 🙂 xoxo!!
Sorry to hear so much of your time is taken up in appointments. I agree…ugh. But I’m so glad to hear that you have started your book! U GO GIRL!
My fellow writer:) its my passion. Wishing u every success. Thanks for the updates, praying TT doesn’t get sick again. Keep us updated on the scaler silver. Love u guys
So happy to hear you started writing your book! Looking forward to reading updates on it 🙂