Last night when I fell asleep, the contact in my left eye refused to leave my eye. I don’t know what it is with me and my contacts but at least once or twice a week, one of my contacts magically disappears around my eyeball and I can’t find it anywhere. I can feel it in there and yet as much as I put in drops and dig around, it won’t come out. I wear daily contacts, which are very thin, so that may be the problem? Maybe it is my eye allergies?
Who knows, but either way I end up going to bed with a red swollen eye and randomly throughout the night I will stick my dirty finger in there and try to pull out the escaped contact. This approach pretty much never works so I don’t know why I always do this in my sleep but I do.
This morning at 5:15 am I went to put my finger in my eye in hopes the stupid contact would finally come out. As I swiped my finger over my face and headed for my eye, I got a whiff of something not very pleasant. Don’t worry, I wasn’t smart enough to stop and not put my finger in my eye, I forged ahead. After I did, I knew I had made a mistake as the smell was very overwhelming. I smelled my fingers and sure enough there was poop on them. Not a big visible chunk, but something crappy had gotten on my hand/fingers.
I looked over at my sleeping angel who’s head was buried in my rib cage and laying diagonal across the bed, leaving me an inch of space to sleep the whole night and noticed she was itching her bottom. Ohhhh good. She must have a dirty diaper, which is really weird for her to have a poop while she is sleeping, but I knew she must be the source. I got out of bed, walked around to the other side and looked into her diaper. Oh yay, I was right, a poopie.
Lou saw me getting up and came and laid down next to Tiara while I changed the sleeping princess. I then went and washed my hands really really good, put in more eye drops and decided I didn’t feel like going back to bed. I came out to my computer, whom I have missed dearly the past 2 weeks and decided to write a last minute post about my already exciting morning.
Funny enough as I sat here writing I continued to smell the poop. Impossible, I scrubbed my hands with soap and hot water? Hmmm, I just sniffed my right shoulder and guess what? It smells like poop. I just sniffed various other parts of my arms and body and luckily the smelled is contained to my left shoulder. I guess the angel itched her bottom and then snuggled up to put a light smear on my shoulder.
Guess it is time for me to really go wash up!
Hope everyone has a great day and stays cool!
xoxo tiffani
Tiffani, you just made me remember when my girls weren’t potty trained and would find presents like this, too. Kind of happy though to be honest that they are potty trained now, but still one never really forgets the poop tales when you are parent 🙂 xoxo!!
Oh how I am laughing. I was just looking at crap from deb’s diaper change on my hand the other day and thought oh well,, put your big girl panties and deal with it. Thanks for the chuckle. Now go wash;)