I skipped my Monday post as I was a total basket case. I don’t really want to relive what happened Sunday night but here is the reader’s digest version.
After not sleeping for 25 hours the nurse thought it would be a great idea to wake up Tiara at 2am and make her cough. I told her not to do it but she went against my wishes, threw on the lights, tapped on the computer stand with a medicine bottle and saud ” Tt time to wake up.” I was so angry I almost pounced on her.
Me: ” don’t wake her up!”
Her: ” I have to!”
Me: ” no, don’t, she won’t go back to sleep!”
And so the damage was done and she never fell back asleep. So by Monday night I had slept 7 hours in 2 days, and that included my small naps.
Yes,I reported her to the charge nurse and thenight manager.
I don’t usually lose it but when I realized we had forgotten to switch all her liquid meds back to pills after she pulled out her ng tube during the day I started to cry.
I had bathed her and was ready to give her all her meds but they all had to be switched. I texted Lou at 8:55pm just as he was getting ready to leave work and asked him to come to the hospital. I felt so bad asking him since he had gotten to work at 8:30 am and I knew he was starving and exhausted, but I was that distraught. Of course my knight in shining armor showed up and kept Tt and I both in good spirits until everything was done. I normally never ask for his help like that so when I do, he knows it is serious.
He stayed until 11:00pm to make sure we were both able to fall asleep. We both slept 7 hours!!! I’m a new woman today.
And now for the good news. Since Tt tore out her ng tube she has been doing all her meds orally and eating. Last step to getting home is breathing room air but her pulmonary doctor and I already decided she would stay on oxygen around the clock for at a least a few weeks until her lungs were healed. Once I told the resident that he said ” well, maybe you can go home today if that is the case. Is there anything you can’t do at home that we can do here?”
Me:” Nope, we have oxygen, suction and a pulse ox.”
Him:”ok, let’s see what the attending says at rounds.”
Since one of the attending doctors announced during tt’s rounds yesterday that I was an honorary icu doctor, I am thinking we will be back in our own bed tonight!!!!
I’ll update Facebook when we get discharged. Thanks again for all immense support, it is an amazing feeling to know people all around the world are praying and pulling for your child.
xoxo tiffani
Love u both, so glad to hear good news. u rock mama. there is no place like home:)
so happy for the good news so glad for you and family that made so happy I don’t know but I worried everyday.
tell Tiara that we was so worried for her and be glad for her to heal
some of words got left out I was trying to say I don’t know you but I worried about you and Tiara
Best news I got today and hoping and praying you will all be home and in your own beds tonight. Will check in a on FB later to make sure 🙂
Such great news Tiffani! Stacie xoxo
Great to hear. God bless your family
That is good news! Hope you’ve made it home by now. Hopefully TT will be a healthy girl from now on!
wow..such a great news…