It is Saturday morning and I just woke up.
I have a list a mile long of potential “to -do” items that would make my house even cleaner before it hits the MLS on Monday.
My whole body aches, especially my hands and feet. I am exhausted and stressed and keep wondering if I really need to do anything on my list. Will it make a difference? Is the fact that I have new caulking around my stainless steel kitchen sink going to be a deciding factor for a buyer? Probably not but what if they are super clean people and they see some of the black gunk around the edges. They will add that to their list of things that need to be fixed. The longer their list is the less they are willing to pay.
Now that I just wrote that sentence I know I need to complete all the little things on my “to-do” list.
Our agent, Pat, keeps telling me not to stress. He says “the market will let us know” how this is going to turn out.
I feel tears coming to my eyes and now I am crying for some reason. I don’t really want to move and yet I desperately do want to move and ultimately we will move but how will it all unfold is still unclear to me. I need to know how things will go. I think I know how this will go, but what if I am wrong and the whole thing sucks?
Whenever Tiara is sick in the hospital I always know if she is headed to the ICU or home. Medical stuff is my expertise, house sales is not. When your kid is chronically sick you only need to worry about getting them better. Selling a house has so many variables of which I have no control and I guess that is what makes me nervous.
SUNDAY 7: 30am
It’s Father’s Day and Lou and I have been up since 5:30am. Seems like the only time we get alone is when the kids are asleep. Since it is officially summer in our house, Trinity went to bed the same time as me last night, so we have to find time to ourselves in the early morning hours.
You may be wondering how we are dealing as a couple with the stress of Tiara and selling our house. Oddly enough whenever we have really big stress issues in our house Lou and I get along better than ever. With each new obstacle our relationship strengthens and we get closer. We both put down our defenses, don’t blame on another and we both always try to be more sensitive to each others needs. It sometimes feels like we are tittering on the edge of a cliff and if we aren’t careful one of us will lose our balance and fall over the edge. Since we don’t have time for either of us to fall, we work together to keep the balancing act going.
Real life worries always remind us that being together and caring for our children are ultimately what is most important. Of course as the parents of Tiara it is hard to ever forget about “real life” worries, but even we sometimes drift
As of right now, I can only think, eat and sleep this house ordeal. Every moment I spend cleaning something Tiara spends more time destroying something else.
Yesterday I power washed the back patio while Tiara knocked the screen off the hinges. Then she dumped her whole box of crayons all over the patio while I was putting away the hose. As I tried to get the scuff marks off the floor from her chair she knocked her bar stool into the counter messing up the paint again. It is one thing after another and I am losing my patience. It’s like she is trying to sabotage my efforts.
I am used to her destroying everything and normally I just ignore it and move on. Now I can’t.
So I need this house to sell in a week and get the heck out of here so I don’t have to keep retouching up every surface constantly.
Please send me good thoughts and prayers for this house to sell fast at asking price. I don’t normally pray for help with financial issues because it seems odd to me, but this time I am!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
xoxo tiffani
Oh totally sending you good thoughts and saying extra prayers tonight that your house will sell very quickly!! xoxo 🙂
Good luck selling the house! I’m praying for a super fast sale!! Stacie xo
Love you Tiffani!!! Sending you tons of good thoughts and praying for a very fast sale for your sanity!!!! xoxoRorie
I see multiple offers and a bidding war for buying your house in your near future! I think you’ve really chosen a great time to sell. Good luck!
WOW!!!! Well it should sell super fast in this market. The demand far out weighs the supply. Relax a little, those little things are not the deciding factors of a sale and price. Price per square foot for other comps in your neighborhood do. Sound like you will have a fresh start financially, which will be an enormous relief. Good luck with the whole process and a new chapter for the Goff family! One door closes another one opens…..
Good vibes and prayers coming your way:)
Hiya Tiffani…
Oh sweetie, I once heard someone say “Moving is Hell”. And that pretty much sums it up. Especially when it comes to selling/buying houses and dealing with all the stressors and surprises that can come with that.
So, since I know you have a lot of faith, that is really what this is all about. That poem that you shared with us a week ago says it all. You have everything you need to get through this, it’s just the unknown that is freaking you out. Ask God to guide you, assure you and give you extra strength. He is ALWAYS there, just waiting for you to call upon Him.
And you will handle this with grace and strength just like you do everything else. My question is: Why put so much pressure on yourself to do this so fast??? Don’t let your anxiety get the best of you! It’s God’s will for you to move, clearly your intuition has led you in this direction. All will work out just as it is supposed to. You don’t need to kill yourself to prepare the house in super sonic speed. Summer is the perfect time to sell a house and we are at the beginning !!
One big thing that comes to my mind , and has always helped me in this situation is to see where it is that YOU WILL BE MOVING TO. I know you are super busy getting your house ready to sell, but it may decrease your anxiety and even excite you to look at some new places that are solid possibilities for where you are going next. You may fall in love with something! And then this whole thing could change it’s vibe completely….you could start to get ideas for decor, which pieces of furniture could work where, paint colors, etc. Hopefully you can start to look at new properties soon if you haven’t started already:)
Sending big hugs and prayers your way. And the way you and Lou come together in times of stress is the #1 best sign of a good marriage (I read a lot of books on that when I was trying to save my first marriage). I love hearing about your very deep and true love/care for eachother. Thank you for sharing it…warms my heart every time.
It will happen Tiffani. God will take care of you so just keep your faith. See you soon!
Love you!