I haven’t written a post or gone on Facebook since we got home from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon. Why? Yes, I still love you all, but taking care of Tiara at home is a huge job. I was so happy to get home, I almost forgot how hard it is after a long hospital stay. Luckily Lou was off Wednesday and Thursday or I would have gone crazy.
What most of you probably don’t realize is that even though Tiara is home and out of the hospital, she is no where back to her baseline/old self. She is very weak and having lots of seizures caused from the medication withdrawals.
She just finally got enough strength to sit up on her own but she still can’t walk or lift her bootie for diaper changes. That means I have to roll her from side to side for all her diaper changes, feed her in bed and follow all the discharge instructions, which includes breathing treatments every 4 hours. No, I don’t do them in the middle of the night, I’m too tired, but it is still a lot of stuff. Not to mention I am back to cooking, cleaning and devoting time to the other members of our family.
In addition someone has to sit with Tiara when she is awake or she may try to get out of bed, which would result in her falling and potentially getting hurt. This has happened before so we learned our lesson to never leave her alone.
So I have missed my writing but until she is back on her feet, you may not hear much from me.
Outta time, I gotta go take care of my baby!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
xoxo tiffani
P.S. A fellow TS Mom, Lisa Cummings, just published this beautiful book of poetry.
Please check it out, I know it would be a wonderful gift for anyone who has a special needs child.
Thinking of you Tiffani and just glad Tiara is home. I can’t even imagine how much is your plate and please don’t worry about us here. I know, I for one, will always be here and not going anywhere. Thanks for keeping us updated and have a good weekend now, too 🙂 xoxo!!
You take care of you and your family. We’re out here sending good thoughts, karma, prayers and all that good stuff your way! *HUGS*
So glad you are home and praying TT continues to gather strength and fully recover. You deserve an award for all you do. Thank you for sharing the link to my book. I hope my words can inspire hope and healing when dealing with special needs. Love u
Hang in there mama. So glad TT is out of danger. Rest when you can. xoxo
Thinking of you & very much understand. Do what you need to do taking care of family & all. Many prayers for you & family. I look forward to your postings but I understand. Big Hugs! Sheila
I’m sure glad you’re back home! Hopefully she’ll get well better and faster at home. Can her aide come and sit with her for a while so you can get a break? You’ve got an emotionally and physically draining job going on there! Praying for strength and endurance,