I can’t believe I am admitting this but I think I may help another lady out there, so I am going to come clean about a recent issue. A few months ago I noticed that I was growing peach fuzz on the side of my face. I had never seen this on my face before and became rather obsessed with checking my face in every different light to see if I truly had peach fuzz on my face or if I was losing my vision. I kept praying it was my eyes playing tricks on me.
I finally asked Lou and he said he hadn’t noticed it. I brought him into the bathroom while the bright morning light was streaming in through the window and showed him the side of my face. “See, look, hair! “Well, there is a little hair, but no one can see it.” he said. “Ohhhh, I can certainly see it!”
I then told him about a girl friend who is 8 years older than me who once said this “If you ever grow hair on your face, just shave it off.” What? Are you serious? She then went on to explain that her cosmologist told her it was the best way to get rid of it, so she shaved her face often. This was several years ago but the conversation has stuck in my mind for years. This woman is gorgeous and spends lots of time and money on her body and face keeping them perfect. I knew that if the occasion every arose I would take her advice.
So I asked Lou, “What do you thing? Should I shave it off?
Lou: “Yes, use my electric razor, but use the side for trimming.”
Me: “Ok, show me how to use it. Now leave, I can’t have you watch.”
I took the razor to my face and nearly died when hair fell to the counter. It looked like Santa Claus had just shaved his beard. I started screaming, threw down the razor and fell to the floor. Lou and the kids came running in to see what was wrong. I was screaming, ” I have hair on my face like a man!” They all started laughing and teasing me and I kept going on and on being super dramatic. Tabitha then said “I bet you aren’t going to blog about this, MOM!” My response, “I just might, you never know.”
I finally stopped acting like freak and finished my face and amazingly enough I looked so much better, at least I thought I did. That was about 2 months ago and still no hair or whiskers since.
I hadn’t told any of my friends about this and finally this week I mentioned it to one of my friends. Her response was, “I have been shaving for a while! My friend told me it was time and she does it all the time! Doesn’t it suck to get old?”
We laughed and I felt a little better about the whole thing and thought I would share in case any of you need to get rid of the peach fuzz on your face and didn’t know how to do it. I imagine you are laughing your head off right now, in complete utter shock that I just announced this to the world. Who cares, I clearly don’t!
Have a great weekend!
xoxo tiffani
available on kindle
hahahaha great one to read this morning. i think we all can relate. thanks for sharing:)
Tiffani, you are the best! I loved reading this blog. I’m Italian, so all the woman in my family have facial hair…not A LOT, but enough! I don’t usually worry about the peach fuzz on my cheeks(although I might now), but I often have to have my upper lip waxed…my ‘mustache’ if you will! I thought shaving would make the hair grow back darker, so I just wax instead.
Thanks for sharing your personal beauty battles…makes me feel better that I can share too!
Happy Friday!
Hahahaha … I’m still laughing! That’s hysterical!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
I started getting chin hairs when I was 27 and had to do laser removal. I don’t know where it came from all of a sudden!
How much is laser removal and did it work/last?
You can laser every where now and it isn’t too expensive. I have heard it lasts!
You are too funny, Tiffani. I just get the mustache thing that I remove with a cream. But I did have a boss a long time ago who said her dermatologist told that men age better than women because they shave. Constantly removing that outer layer of dead skin cells. Who knows? There might be something to it. And we have the 10 hour chicken this week and it was AMAZING.
Omg! That sounds hilarious and awful at the same time. But thankfully you don’t have to face black hair on white skin like us Asians! I have to wax most of the body. Hate those genes. Lol.
Thanks for dropping by at belivevninspire!
This is too funny & scary at the same time! I have been noticing the peach fuzz for some time. I have been afraid to do anything about it, because I have always been told it will grow back thicker if you shave it. But after reading this, might get the courage to do it.
Thanks for sharing!
Joanne @ Creative Mess