The basketball season started this week for Trinity’s school and they already had 2 games. She didn’t want to join the team, as she has never played basketball before but we made her. Yes you heard me right, we told her she had to try out. The school league is super low key,the season only lasts a month and she isn’t playing any other sports at this time. Kids need exercise.
Once she started practicing I haven’t heard one complaint from her, so it is safe to assume she likes it. Believe me if she didn’t, I would be getting an earful daily.
Yesterday they had their first game and they won. To be honest with you I was totally shocked they won because I have watched them practice and it is pretty scary. They pulled it together, did a great job and had lots of fun.
Today they played a really good team and they lost but they never gave up. They really stepped up their game and were working hard to catch up the entire time. As I sat next to Lou, I constantly muttered to myself and out loud about the playing. I get so crazy competitive watching sporting events, it is a joke. If you can get me to watch a football game I will be screaming at the TV within minutes.
In public, I can’t help but yell but I have learned to only yell positive encouragements and mutter rude negative comments to myself or Lou. Other than watching the game, I love to watch the parents. Today I watched a Mom yell at her daughter every time she came off the court. As her daughter exited the court, she would walk right up to the bench and you could see from her finger wagging and facial expressions she was reading her daughter the riot act. If I didn’t feel so bad for this child, I would have laughed hysterically because she was so ridiculous. I kept turning to Lou saying “Oh, I bet she is going to be grounded tonight!”
I just wonder what is going through a parent’s head when they do something like that. Do they really think berating their child in front of everyone is going to make them perform better? I certainly doubt it but I could be wrong. Clearly these people don’t have any special needs angels in their life or they would be happy with the fact their daughter was able to run, and play on an organized team.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and remember “actions speak louder then words”. (One of my favorite sayings ever!)
xoxo tiffani
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I bet a lot of competitive parents don’t even realize how they sound. The constant admonishing or critiquing. It would get old to listen to. I’m sure her daughter thinks so. So glad Trinity is have a great time playing b-ball.
It is crazy and I truly don’t get what many parents do think. Seriously, I am so with you not his. Positive encouragement is one thing, but to yell or berate is so ridiculous to me. I truly can’t fathom it. But nevertheless it does exist and just glad to not be one of those parents. Have a great weekend now!! 🙂 xoxo!!