If you do, then I suspect you are grateful for your life all year long not just this week. I love hearing people talk about Thanksgiving and being grateful, I just wish people could find it in their hearts to contemplate these feelings daily. Because of Tiara, my faith in God and my desire to live the best life possible, I am constantly thinking about how to help my loved ones and live life as if it may end tomorrow.
Living my life as if each day is my last doesn’t mean I go skydiving, have wild parties, travel to exotic places or eat fancy food. To me, it means living the life I have been given as best as I can.
While I drive around town with Tiara each day, I think about how to put God first in my life, how to make my husband happy, how to help Trinity learn easier, not worry so much, how to help Tabitha in her life and how to keep Tiara healthy. While I think, I thank God for giving me these people to worry about and care for. I don’t feel overburden, overwhelmed, under appreciated, sad, miserable or angry for all I need to accomplish each day. I feel happy and grateful, most of the time.
Of course you have all seen my bad days, or rather read about them, but despite those days and even on those days, I always smile. Just this week, three people commented on my smile. One said, “wow you are always happy” another said ” you are always smiling and calm, I don’t know how you do it?” And the third said ” Your smile is sheer happiness.” I thought to myself how is it everyone thinks I’m so happy all the time and I have such a difficult life, filled with so many stresses? I guess because I truly am happy. How can I be so happy?
I guess it is because I try to only focus on the good in my life and most recently I have been working really hard to trust in God that he will provide.
I don’t like to preach or talk about my relationship with God often, but over the past few months I have been really focusing on putting God first. My natural inclination is to always put my family first. A friend explained that when I worry, I am showing God that I don’t have faith in him to provide for me and my family. As a result I have tried to stop worrying when I have done all that can be done. Every time I catch myself worrying about something I ask myself “have I done everything in my power to help this situation?” If the answer is yes, then I need to trust in God it will work out.
It is weird but this line of thinking has really helped me reduce stress, feel more content and keep focused on being grateful.
I am not going to tell you what I am grateful for today because you all already know.
I will say I am grateful for all of you and I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday filled with love, family and friends.
xoxo tiffani
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too Tiffany!!! 🙂 xoxo!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you Janine!
Beautifully said! You are an inspiration. =)
Happy Thansgiving:)
Sry I meant Thanksgiving:)
Very true post! But I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with sharing your relationship with others–you never know who you may touch with your testimony. They have a saying at my church, “You may be the only Bible someone ever reads.” 🙂 I too worry all the time…worry myself sick actually…with things that are out of my control and a friend once told me something similar to what your friend told you; it too has changed my outlook on life in general and has made me stop in my tracks and say, “Ok God, you’ve got this so please just give me some peace about this situation.” It’s always reassuring to see others talk about God–I’m glad to know that He lives in your heart too. 🙂 God bless and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I love that saying I may the only Bible someone ever reads. I will have to remember that! xoxo
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday. I think you are an amazing example of God’s love — especially you beautiful relationship with Tiara. How you roll with the challenges that would do in most of us. I try to focus on the moment more. Stop and be thankful when I’m complaining or having a pity party. We are so very blessed in this country. But it can be all empty without a spiritual power and perfect love. Hugs to you.