This morning Lou asked me to keep my eyes open for his phone while he was getting ready for work.
me: “Have you seen it today?”
lou: “No.”
This means it is probably lying under the couch or the coffee table. It is pretty common for him to fall asleep on the couch and then his phone some how slides under a piece of furniture. As he was taking a shower I started to look around.
I figured I should start looking otherwise he would be frantic and late to work if I didn’t help find it. Since he works a zillion hours a week to support us, I figured it was the least I could do.
I didn’t find it in the normal spots so I started moving all the pieces of the sectional away from the wall and lifting them up to look under neath. When I couldn’t find it I finally started calling it over and over again.
Probably should have started with this approach to save myself time but I hadn’t finished my coffee yet so I wasn’t totally awake. I thought I heard his phone faintly but I couldn’t seem to find it.
lou: “Did you find it?”
me: “No, I think I hear it but I can’t see it.”
lou: “It sounds like it is in the kitchen.”
me: ” Really? Sounds like it is in the TV cabinet.”
We started opening every cabinet and drawer until viola, he found it! Right next to the wine opener.
me: “Oh, I guess you couldn’t hold your phone and open your bottle of wine so you just dropped your phone in the drawer.” Hahaha
lou: “Great, now I know what your blog will be about tomorrow! I don’t think it is fair Pat gets a break but you post every dumb thing I say or do.”
me: “If you don’t want me to write about it, just say it.”
lou: “I don’t care.”
me: “Ok good, now I know what to write today.”
You may be wondering who is Pat and why does he get a break from the blog? Pat is our real estate agent and sometimes he prefaces our conversations with: “This can’t go on the blog.’
me: “Fine, I won’t put it on the blog.”
Have a great Tuesday!
xoxo tiffani
Love it! We often have a similar scenario in our house, when something happens and I can see my husband just shaking his head because he knows I will write about it!
Have a lovely day.
Kate x
Kate at Home
Was laughing quite loudly on this, because my phone has been missing on more then one occasion now, but in my defense my 3 year old likes to play with it (its an iPhone) and end up having to do the Find My Phone feature at least once a week around here! Also love how your real estate gets a pass on here, but not your husband, because my husband is always saying when he does something stupid, “Guess you got another blog post!” Lol!! 🙂 xoxo!!
That is classic!
LOL … best place for a phone — next to a bottle opener. Liquor is typically required!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
This is funny 🙂
How funny. My kids used to ask I was going to post things onvthw blog when I had one. Glad you found it. I am lost without mine.