I hate to complain when people on the east coast just dealt with the “polar vortex” issue but really, I HATE the SANTA ANA WINDS. I have hated them my whole life, and nothing has changed.
As a child I always remember them showing up during the first week of school. I would be excited to wear my new fall clothes only to be disappointed when the Santa Ans winds showed up and ruined everything. I had to resort to wearing my summer clothes off and on all the way through Christmas time. And now it is the middle of January and the winds are still rearing their ugly head. Not only am I not a fan of heat but wind is my worst enemy. Any one who suffers from allergies knows what I am talking about. My nose starts itching, then the sneezing starts followed by the itching on the roof of my mouth and by the end of the day I look like a dehydrated Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The moment I woke up this morning and walked outside I was horrified. It was blazing hot at 7:30am and I hadn’t slept much for the 3rd night in a row so my grumpy factor was rearing its ugly head.
Ever since I reduced Tiara’s last medication she has been wild. She hasn’t slept through the night in several days and wakes up at 3am ready for the day. First she asks for water. I try to ignore her as long as possible because I know this first request is one of many to come. Once I finally agree to get her water, I threaten her to stay in bed while I get the water. Fifty percent of the time she stays in bed the other half she gets up and turns on the lights.
Lou never seems to notice the chandelier shining in his eyes, good for him. Next, after the water comes the request for music or a movie. I get back up to get the ipad off the charger. Once we finally decide on a show or a song she wants more water. After she finishes the second cupful, she always says, “PEE, PEE.” I then get up and check her diaper. One hundred percent of the time it is wet. Off the bed, onto the ground and a diaper change occurs, along with clean pants. By this time I am starting to get really grumpy and I start threatening her to stop asking for anything else. Super effective technique, NOT.
At this point she lets me sleep for a while, if I am lucky and she watches a show. But sometimes she decides it is time to eat or roam the house. Last night she wanted her Dad at 4:30am. We traded beds and he climbed in next to her but she kept asking for stuff. I kept lifting asking if her needed help, because sometimes he doesn’t understand her, especially when he is tired and I was worried he was ignoring her. After I lifted my head the 3rd time he raised his voice to me. “I can handle this Tiffani, just go back to bed.” My first response was anger. I instantly thought “don’t tell me what to do,” but then I realized what an idiot I was being and went to sleep. If he wants to handle it for once, have at it.
So I fell back to sleep and when I woke up I could tell from his mood and attitude he may have regretted letting me go back to sleep.
Happy Hump Day and please go away wind!
xoxo tiffani
I have no experience with the Santa Ana winds having lived not he east coast and NY all my life, but what I wouldn’t give for hot weather this time of the year. granted the polar vortex was awful and at least we are hovering around 50 degrees the last few days, but still mist the summer warmth. And so sorry about the sleep or lack thereof situation with Tiara. I know when my girls wake in the middle of the night,I too get a bit grumpy, because I truly do like my sleep. So, totally feel for you!! 🙂 xoxo!!
Since I am a mombie I will tell you I scarf potato chips and cookies at 1 a.m. Write poetry, surf the web and look like something the cat dragged in the next morning. Deb’s been an insomniac for years so I hope both the winds and TT’s insomnia calm down. Everyone tells me I don’t let anyone do things for dac and I plead guilty. If I do, I either hover or worry. I can relate. Hugs
You are so funny! I know we live a different life with our “little” girls who can’t sleep. Have a great weekend and I hope you finally heard back from the doctor. xoxo