Well, I am the epitome of a do it yourself” kinda gal, or so I like to think. I am of the opinion I can construct, configure, redo, reprogram most things myself with time and patience. Last year our DVD broke and when I went to buy a new one the options were limitless and a little overwhelming. After talking with the salesman I decided to purchase one that connected to the interent via our wireless moderm so we could download movies, etc. I mean how hard could it be to plug the yellow, red and white cables into the same spots as the old DVD? I put the new machine right next to the old machine and switched the cables. WelI, it didn’t work, surprise, surprise. UGH….. I brought the DVD back to the store to learn that they all had the same configuration and I couldn’t buy my exact old machine, so I left with the same one I walked in with. Upon returning home, Lou kept saying “just call the the video/tv guy”. “No way”, I can’t afford a new pair of shoes, I am not going to give that guy 200 bucks to set up a DVD”. Just so you know, we are not rolling in money at the Goff home. I am always looking for ways to save and calling an IT guy is a super frustrating way to spend money. So I declared, ” this is not brain surgery, Lou…. if those guys can plug and replug those cords in so can I”
At some point everyday, I would pull out the cabinet and stare at all the wires and attempt to switch them up while remembering where they originally existed. Week 2, I invited some family over for dinner so I could get their opinions. My brother in law and I managed to get the sound working for the DVD but no picture. He agreed with Lou and recommended I give up and call “the guy” No way, not giving in now. My family was so over the whole thing, especially Lou, I only worked on it when I was home alone with Tiara and noone would know. Week 3, while fixing dinner and working on the DVD before Lou got home I got a picture on the screen, but no sound. Within minutes I had both the screen and the picture working together. Don’t know what I did and don’t care, it was working. That was one of the happiest moments of my life. Pathetic, I know, but so true. I called Lou screaming, ” I did it, I did it” He says, “wow babe, good job, I am happy for you. Can we stream movies now?” “oooooh, not quite yet, but I am sure that won’t be hard to figure out”, I proclaimed with pure confidence. It actually only took me a few days to accomplish that feat, but because I am so cheap I refuse to download movies instantly when I can get them at a Redbox for $1.00. The moral of the story is yes you can do it yourself. Have a great DIY weekend…