So today was Trinity’s first conference for the year and there was no surprises, at least not on my end. I do think the teachers were a little surprised to hear how much effort I put into helping her study each night. I am not going to tell you she has straight A’s, but I can tell you she has perfect attendance. Ha, ha, always looking at the positive. Anyways after hearing about our study habits, yes ours, they came up with a bunch of great ideas which should help Trinity study more independently. They think I need more of a break. Did I mention I adore her teachers?
I am so excited thinking I may not have to study any more Earth Science. She had an earth science test last Friday and I almost died studying with her. Soil erosion has never been a big interest of mine. When we study, I read it out loud, then I try to figure out what the heck is going on, explain it to her in terms she can understand and then organize the information so she can remember it. Fun stuff. The good part is I am forced to relearn everything I have forgotten.
Enough about my sweet Trinity, let’s talk about Tabitha. She has finally decided what she is going to do to celebrate her 21st birthday. She is flying to Hawaii to visit one of her best friends. Her birthday is January 5, and she works really long hours in December so it will be a perfect time for vacation. We bought her a ticket as her gift, so now she just has to save for spending money. I am so excited for her.
And now more boring stuff.
This morning I had to attend a meeting at Lou’s work about the upcoming health insurance enrollment. Sadly we won’t get to enroll in December and will have to wait until March which is a serious bummer but rules are rules. We will have to pay the crazy Cobra premiums until then. Cobra premiums are highway robbery.
I have to say the health insurance thing is getting really confusing for me especially as I watch this Obamacare unfold. We have been using a PPO plan for about 8 years now but they only have a high deductible PPO or an HMO which does not have any out of network benefits. Luckily after hearing all the information and still not knowing which plan to pick, the man in charge of human resources said he would get on the phone with the insurance company and find out which plan works best for our family. One big issue is the medication. On the HMO plan, specialized prescriptions must be filled through their mail in pharmacy. I am pretty sure at least 2 of Tiara’s medications are “specialized”. I have read on the online Facebook page that many TSC families have had problems with this pharmacy. That terrifies me, so I instantly want to join the PPO but I am not sure if that is wise financially. Enough boring health insurance stuff.
I need to finish this and find a good lemon bar recipe. Such a random Thanksgiving dessert. Tabitha chose it and I hate making lemon bars because they always seem to fall apart. I think I will make them but also bring something a little more scrumptious, like pumpkin chocolate cheesecake or apple cobbler with vanilla ice cream. HMMMMM.
Happy Tuesday!
xoxo tiffani
We just had to look at our updated Health Insurance benefits and was definitely more then a bit confused. Thankfully, we did figure it out, but still they are making it harder and harder, when it doesn’t have to be this way. I hope you get it figured out for your family and that it isn’t too expensive in the end. My fingers are totally crossed for you on this one!! 🙂 xoxo!!
Tiffani, you might as well homeschool with the amount of studying you do with Trinity! I hate dealing health insurance companies, but I hate mail order pharmacies even more! Have a happy Thanksgiving!
The Best lemon bar recipe is in the Betty Crocker cookbook. It is easy and delicious! I just add some extra lemon juice top part.
OMG Tiffany before you make any decisions about insurance, I would love to talk with you. I have had the most horrendous week with my HMO, just trying to get care has been horrible. We are switching to a PPO during open enrollment. Good thing I wasn’t dying because no one wanted to do anything that would cost a cent. Just my opinion but I am a great self advocate being a hospital social worker and even then I couldn’t make things happen.
Prayers for you and that insurance mess. Prayers for us all. Ugh. I don’t know what is going on? And you are the BESTEST parents ever. What an awesome 21th birthday gift for Tabitha. I’d like to be your daughter. What would you give me as a retro-active 50th birthday gift?? hugs.