Saturday, I was on the computer blog hopping while Trinity was sitting at the table eating her lunch. Tiara was coloring and we were wasting some time until it was time for Trinity’s gymnastics. I ran across a blog written by a women whose tagline went something like this: working Mom of two toddlers, blogger…
my thoughts about life
one year anniversary for my blog and some exciting news!
One year ago today I posted my first blog entry about Trinity trying out for Junior Lifeguards. I have beat the odds by sticking with my blog for an entire year, which is amazing for me. Apparently most bloggers quit within a few months and normally I would fall under the quitting statistic because I…
Do you have facial hair? Yes lady, I’m talking to you!
I can’t believe I am admitting this but I think I may help another lady out there, so I am going to come clean about a recent issue. A few months ago I noticed that I was growing peach fuzz on the side of my face. I had never seen this on my face before…
Valentine’s Day, just more work for me!
This is how much I care about Valentine’s Day. Zero. This was my conversation Wednesday morning while Lou was getting ready for work. Lou: So are we exchanging Valentine’s? Me: Well, I made cookies for my sister’s kids, and plan on baking something for our Mom’s. I bought each girl something small and I was…
What to give up for Lent?
As you most of you know, I am Catholic and since today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, I need to decide immediately what I should give up for 6 weeks. Like most women, I contemplated the whole dessert, chocolate, cookies, cakes, basically all sweets and I don’t think it is the best…
Why are we still married?
Once in a while people will ask me “How are you and your husband?” Many times it is someone I don’t know very well, but I always respond the same, “We are good.” I don’t think the answer satisfies them, but it is the truth. How is it possible that we are still happy together…
I may know more than the At&t guy…
My regular readers know that I invited an AT&T solicitor going to door into my house several weeks ago.(You can read that post here if you missed it.) After reviewing all the information he provided me, I decided to call him 4 days later and sign up for the bundled services. He was really surprised…
Manhandling Tiara has kept me in shape….
Monday morning I woke up and didn’t have a walking date planned. Tiara was waiting to see her grandmother so I decided to look at the 24 fitness class schedule. I love taking yoga and Pilates but haven’t done either in 2 years because of my life with TT. My membership is $99 a year…
When nothing you do seems right…
Today I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I screwed up again. It’s that moment when you feel heavy, sad and disappointed in yourself and wonder how you could have made the same mistake again. For every lesson I have learned in this life, the one I can’t seem to master is, how to keep…
Do you allow your kids to play on their phones during dinner?
I have spent the past few days thinking about this topic and keep going back and forth in mind trying to decide whether my opinion on this scenario is accurate or I’m just be judgmental. Help me decide and let me know what you think because I am sure most of you have a strong…