Unfortunately my prediction that Tiara was going to get worse came to fruition and she was admitted to Choc yesterday morning.
I noticed she seemed a little worse but not as bad as in the past when I would rush her to the hospital. I kept thinking about the new development of the base of her lungs being collapsed and I felt panicked and wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. Should I call her pulmonary doctor, her pediatrician or just drive to Choc? After checking her oxygen repeatedly and seeing her rest in the low 90’s I decided to call her pediatrician. The nurse put me on hold after I explained the situation and said she would find the doctor and get me a decision right away. Come in to see the doctor or go straight to the hospital.
She came back on the line in about a minute and said “ the doctor said to drive straight to Choc. Don’t waste your time coming here because we will probably have to call the ambulance if you do based on her history.”
Of course I knew this and already had our bag packed but I didn’t want to go so I was trying to avoid the inevitable. I grabbed the meds, our bag and of course her iPad and off we went up the 55 freeway to the brand new Choc emergency room that had only been open 1 day. The place is beautiful and we were taken to a room right away as there weren’t many patients.
Same old drill; chest X-ray,blood cultures,IV,emergency breathing treatments and antibiotics. Yes, it appears she has another pneumonia, actually the doctor confirmed she does in both lobes once again.
It is now 10:30 Wednesday night and she is finally asleep after the nurse brought her meds 1 1/2 late. Sadly it wasn’t the nurses fault but the doctors who wrote the orders wrong but the poor nurse was running around trying to get it all sorted out. It drives me crazy that every time their is a problem with her medicine. I always arrive at the emergency room with all her medicine and a printed out list of the dosages. I tell them in advance which ones the pharmacist will question and yet every time there is an issue. Tonight was no exception.
The good news is I am feeling hopeful that we caught it early enough and she won’t get worse but better. If tonight goes well I hope to be home no later than Friday. Wishful thinking? Maybe but so far so good.
If possible I will post again later today with an update or you will definitely hear from me tomorrow.
Thank for all the love,prayers and support!
xoxo tiffani
I sure hope you caught it early enough so you guys don’t have to miss Easter. Praying for you all! Hugs and kisses all around!
I hope she recovers quickly! Thinking of you all!
Wow, that is so scary. Hope she is doing well (and hope her mama is doing well too!)
hope she is feeling better. Happy Easter 🙂
It really does sound like you caught this in advance of any real damage taking hold and I’m sure you’ll be back home before the weekend begins.
Hugs to you and Tiara .. I hope she recovers quickly and you can all still have a great Easter!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Our prayers are with you and your family, Tiffani. God bless you all and hope you make it home tomorrow! Xoxo