Happy New Year and yes I am finally back to my regular posting schedule. Yay! My plan was to catch you up on everything that has happened since my last post but change of plans. I just left Costco and am so annoyed I must share my frustrations with you, my loyal therapists.
So here it goes. Tiara, Trinity and I went to Costco on Sunday at 1pm, yes I know that is a little crazy with the crowds and everything but I needed to get stuff for Lou’s lunches. They have sliced chicken breast meat, which is his favorite and I wanted to get the house stocked before the first day back to school. Of course I couldn’t find a handicap spot which is super typical there so I ended up parking in the back and just dealing with trying to get Tiara in and out of her wheelchair without getting smooshed.
My first gripe was when we tried crossing the street to get into the store and almost got run over. No one seemed interested in stopping for a mother, a teenager in a wheelchair and her sister. I was already shaking my head in disgust as people kept trying to push in front of Trinity who was trying to get us a shopping cart. Once we got in the store, I got ourselves organized, so we could quickly get in and out. Because Trinity isn’t great at pushing the cart or the wheelchair I do both and she loads everything in to the cart. I put Tiara in front of me, hang my purse on her chair so no one tries to steal it and then pull the shopping cart behind me. I move pretty quickly and I stay to the right side of each aisle. I bark out the items we need and Trinity quickly puts them in the cart so we can continuously move. It is really hard on my hands and shoulders to do a bunch of stop, start, stop, start. I like to keep the momentum going.
In my mind, the rules of the road apply to markets and large shopping stores. You push your cart on the right side of the aisle unless you are passing, in which case you say excuse me and then go back to the right after you pass the person looking or meandering slowly through the aisle. Am I wrong? Isn’t that just common courtesy? I have noticed that people who shop at Costco don’t care about these rules, or any rules of decorum or courtesy.
My irritation got to the boiling point when I hit the paper towel aisle. Of course I was on the right, like I’m supposed to be and suddenly I was about to bump into this couple’s cart. Trinity had just loaded the paper towels and toilet paper into our cart and we were proceeding to the cold veggie section when I saw this couple approaching us. I felt like I was in a game of chicken. Who is going to move over first?
Since they were walking on the wrong side of the aisle and I had the cart and the wheelchair I assumed they would move out of my way. Wrong! I kept pushing forward and when I realized they had no intention of moving over for us, I stopped, readjusted and moved my cart to the side so they could pass. As they passed me, they just looked at me annoyed, like I was in there way. Really? Clearly I’m an idiot or the loser of the game, either way I was mad.
We finally got to the check out and made it out safely when I turned to Trinity and said ” Were the people in Costco so rude today or is it me?”
trinty: “You think? They were beyond rude Mom.”
me: “Ok, that makes me feel better, I thought I was imaging things.”
trinity: “not!”
And there you go, our trip to Costco. I really wonder how the employees deal with such behaviors on a daily basis? Makes me appreciate them even more.
So now I have to get back to my house and get my act together. I have about 12 piles of laundry to fold, the garage freezer to clean out since someone left the door open and now everything is half melted all over, and a house to clean from Tabitha’s 21st birthday. Yes, it was great fun!
I plan on sharing the pictures from Tabitha’s birthday on Wednesday and I will fill you in on everything else that has gone on tomorrow. Plus I really have to get going as I found out I could be watching the first episode of Downton Abbey season 4 on my Ipad right now as I fold laundry!!!!!!
Happy Monday!
xoxo tiffani
My sponsor and biggest supporter
Happy Monday Tiffany and wow to how rude people can be. Truly amazes me and I am like you and always trying to be nice and not open my mouth with stuff like this, but somehow, I think I might have had to say something in this instance and not just let it go. Just felt my blood boil a bit while reading you post, so that is why I think I might now been able to hold my tongue if it were me!! But again, have a wonderful Monday now 🙂 xoxo!!
CostCo is a world unto itself. I surrendered my my membership years ago and moved over to Sam’s Club. Much more civilized! Way less crowded.
Have a wonderful week!
Hmmm, I’ll have to look into that, thanks!
Happy Monday tiff. I have to admit the southern girl in me would have told that couple to move out of the friggin way. Glad u have more cool.;) I guess 24 years of doing the same, wheelchair, cart pulling has made me this way.